Unknown Armies Book Four: Expose

An occult game about broken people conspiring to fix the world

Unknown Armies Book Four: Expose at a Glance

  • This Unknown Armies sourcebook provides additional gamemaster assistance.
  • Learn more about the stories that can be told in this RPG using movies, books, and more.
  • Provides ideas for what to do with antagonists, avatars, and more.

Occult Musings: More about Expose

While familiar, the world of Unknown Armies is unique in that it doesn't contain the usual monsters and supernatural creatures. This new cosmology can be overwhelming when it comes to telling stories — most gamemasters can easily come up with a vampire tale, but this is new ground. While you might want the characters to feel baffled and alienated, those feelings are less pleasant for the players.

This sourcebook digs into the hows and whys of Unknown Armies stories, using familiar movies, books, and other references. Inside, you'll learn more about how to use elements of the mundane and the weird in your stories, how to explore characters' internal narratives and identities, the rules of magick, and more.

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Unknown Armies Book Four: Expose: Contents

  • Chapter 1: The Meat of Empire
  • Chapter 2: Full-throated Adepts
  • Chapter 3: Small, Discrete Challenges
  • Chapter 4: The Bigger Picture
  • Chapter 5: Layers on the Inside
  • Chapter 6: Identities Redux
  • Chapter 7: This Side of the Veil
  • Chapter 8: Normalcy Besieged
  • Chapter 9: Stratospheric Selves
  • Chapter 10: Symbolic Media

Vital Stats

Authors: Jason L. Blair, Tim Dedopulos, Chris Lites, W.J. MacGuffin, Ryan Macklin, Chad Underkoffler, and Filamena Young
Graphic Design: Thomas Deeny
Art Direction: Aaron Acevedo
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Jeannine Acevedo, Jason Engle, Benoît Felten, Colleen Riley, Lassi Seppälä, Thomas Shook, and Shutterstock
MSRP: $4.95
Atlas Stock #: AG6034
Release Date: November 2017