OVER 75% OFF Ars Magica 4E Digital Bundle!

Happy New Year! With the holidays over we all face the boring depths of winter, so why not spend that time playing some Ars Magica!
From Jan 11th to 15th ONLY, you can snag the ENTIRE Ars Magica 4th Edition line for just $59.99. That's the Core Rulebook + ALL 22 supplements, which normally retails for over $260!
Whether you're a seasoned magi, or new to RPGs all together, Ars Magica is an approachable, yet extensive RPG that has 30 years of content and supplements ready to enhance your adventure.
This discounted 4th Edition bundle includes:
- Official 4E Core Rulebook
- Cause & Cure
- Living Lore
- Faerie Stories
- Land of Fire & Ice
- Blood & Sand: The Levant Tribunal
- The Bishop's Staff
- Sanctuary of Ice: The Greater Alps
- The Medieval Bestiary Revised Edition
- Triamore
- Ordo Nobilis
- Heirs to Merlin: The Stonehenge Tribunal
- Ultima Thule: Mythic Scandinavia
- The Dragon and the Bear: The Novgorod Tribunal
- The Mythic Seas
- The Wizards Grimoire Revised Edition
- Festival of the Damned
- Return of the Storm Rider
- A Medieval Tapestry
- The Fallen Angel
- Hedge Magic
- Parma Fabula
- The Dragon and the Bear
CHECKOUT NOW: CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT NOW with items loaded and discount applied!
MORE INFO: To learn more about Ars Magica 4th Ed, visit our line page at atlas-games.com/arm4
FREE CORE BOOK: To get the 4th Edition Core Rulebook PDF for FREE, sign up for our newsletter now!