Assorted Updates

Published by: Atlas Staff
I have a couple of updates on a couple of topics.

Mysteries Revised and Infernal: Off to Press

I just printed the shipping label for sending the materials for The Mysteries Revised Edition and Realms of Power: The Infernal to the printer. I can imagine this news will bring much joy to Ars Magica fans... :)

An Ocean Container in Montana

Our shipper called a short while ago to tell us that our ocean container finally got out of the port of Tacoma, and is on a freight train right now crossing Montana. Depending on whether any other hold-ups occur, we may see Recess and Grand Tribunal in our warehouse on Tuesday of next week (the 20th), but Wednesday is more likely (the same day we're expecing Epic Dungeoneer).

E-Mail Problems

Our inbound e-mail has not been working this morning. (Outgoing mail has been fine, since it goes through a different service.) Our service provider is on the problem, and says it should be fixed within an hour or two. I'm hoping it hasn't been bouncing messages, but if it has, please go ahead and re-transmit later this afternoon.

