Gloom World Tour
Gloom designer Keith Baker is taking a year off to travel the world, couch surfing the globe in exchange for running sessions of Gloom, Over the Edge, and Eberron. To find out if Keith will be in your area, be it at a con, game store, or someone's house, follow his LiveJournal. If he's making a public appearance near you, be sure to stop by and say hi!
Keith started out visiting Salt Lake City and Boise at the end of April and he's heading up to the Northwest in early May ... he's visiting friends in Portland now, and Seattle is his next stop, then back through Portland again in the middle of next week.
He'll be attending Kubla Con in California on May 22-25 and A-Kon in Texas the following weekend. Then he'll start his European travels in June, appearing at the UK Games Expo in England on the first weekend in June and traveling across Europe until he returns to the US for Gen Con Indy in mid-August. He's still working on later stops, but hopes to be at Ropecon, Pacificon Game Expo, and Gen Con Oz, as well.
Keith started out visiting Salt Lake City and Boise at the end of April and he's heading up to the Northwest in early May ... he's visiting friends in Portland now, and Seattle is his next stop, then back through Portland again in the middle of next week.
He'll be attending Kubla Con in California on May 22-25 and A-Kon in Texas the following weekend. Then he'll start his European travels in June, appearing at the UK Games Expo in England on the first weekend in June and traveling across Europe until he returns to the US for Gen Con Indy in mid-August. He's still working on later stops, but hopes to be at Ropecon, Pacificon Game Expo, and Gen Con Oz, as well.