Post-Grand Tribunal UK
Sheila Thomas posted this report on Grand Tribunal UK, that I thought everyone might enjoy:
"The weekend of August 16-18 saw members of the Order gather in Cheltenham from Norway, Denmark and the UK.
"The fun started on Friday afternoon, renewing friendships, then moved on to a local restaurant for a lively meal, then to a hotel bar for drinks, a few board or card games and a lot more conversation. Saturday morning started with a splendidly entertaining freeform game, thanks the Kirstie & Andrew. The reason we were all prohibited from talking about our characters before the game soon became clear, and caused much curiosity as the complex plots were explored - not sure how many were unraveled by the close!
"The rest of the day was filled with a selection of tabletop games, interrupted only by a pause for food and the traditional raffle, where an extensive range of generously donated prizes raised a good sum for charity. Sunday was also taken up with table top games, which were much enjoyed.
"Thanks to all those who came along to participate in making it all so enjoyable, to those who worked so hard to prepare and run the games, and most of all to CJ and Andrew for organising and running it yet again.
"Sign up for next year's GTUK when it is advertised and you can be sure of a great time!"
"The weekend of August 16-18 saw members of the Order gather in Cheltenham from Norway, Denmark and the UK.
"The fun started on Friday afternoon, renewing friendships, then moved on to a local restaurant for a lively meal, then to a hotel bar for drinks, a few board or card games and a lot more conversation. Saturday morning started with a splendidly entertaining freeform game, thanks the Kirstie & Andrew. The reason we were all prohibited from talking about our characters before the game soon became clear, and caused much curiosity as the complex plots were explored - not sure how many were unraveled by the close!
"The rest of the day was filled with a selection of tabletop games, interrupted only by a pause for food and the traditional raffle, where an extensive range of generously donated prizes raised a good sum for charity. Sunday was also taken up with table top games, which were much enjoyed.
"Thanks to all those who came along to participate in making it all so enjoyable, to those who worked so hard to prepare and run the games, and most of all to CJ and Andrew for organising and running it yet again.
"Sign up for next year's GTUK when it is advertised and you can be sure of a great time!"