The Boat from China
Some good news to report today: Our Chinese printer phoned early today to confirm that they have delivered the shipping container which holds Grand Tribunal and Recess to our freight company. The ship our container is booked on, the "mv MSL Knud," is scheduled to depart from the port of Yantian on Thursday, May 18th, and arrive in Tacoma, Washington, on June 5th. From Tacoma our container travels by rail to St. Paul, where it is expected to arrive on June 12th. Mind you, this supposes that nothing goes wrong along the way -- we have no idea what surprises Homeland Security might have for us in Tacoma (in the past their decision to inspect a container has sometimes meant it gets set aside for two weeks to wait for the inspection), or at Customs in St. Paul -- but I'm cautiously hopeful that we'll have the games before Origins.