Download or Pre-Order Enigma Gamebooks NOW!

Published by: Audrey DeLuca

Download the Enigma Digital Gamebooks NOW

The PDF versions of the Enigma gamebooks are ALL AVAILABLE NOW for purchase and download!

Pre-Order the Physical Gamebooks via BackerKit

Didn't back the Kickstarter? Here's your chance to snag the Enigma puzzle books, plus plushies, stickers, and more!

Even if you DID back the Kickstarter, you can add on extra items through BackerKit … in case you need some more plushies for your friends!

And you can get discounted Gloom add-ons, too, so it's the perfect time to stock up on expansions, regalia, and even the Grief Case storage box!

Visit BackerKit to start shopping now!




Crowdfunding Enigma Gloom