Ars Magica Fifth Edition Errata
For errata on Fourth Edition books, see the Ars Magica Fourth Edition errata.
Below is new errata from May 2023 (our last update) to August 2023 (this update). Following that is the full errata, which includes all the new errata as well.
New Errata (Last Update to Present)
Ars Magica Fifth Edition, Second Printing
Flexible Formulaic Magic (p. 42): Replace the description with the following: "You can vary the effects of Formulaic spells to a slight degree, while still getting the benefits of casting known magic. You may raise or lower the casting level of the spell by one magnitude to raise or lower one (only) of Range, Duration, Target category and Target size by one step, as long as this does not violate any of the normal limits on Formulaic magic. You may instead change one (only) of those parameters to another parameter at the same level, without modifying the casting level, as long as this does not violate any of the normal limits on Formulaic magic. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the casting level of the spell. You cannot manipulate Ritual magic in this way."
The Functioning of Magic Resistance (p. 85): Replace the second paragraph with the following: "Spells cast with Personal Range do not have to overcome the caster's own Magic Resistance. Spell cast with any other Range, even if cast by the maga on herself, do have to overcome the caster's own Magic Resistance."
The Functioning of Magic Resistance (p. 86): Add the following example after the invisible character bullet point: "An invisible character cannot touch or exert physical force on the maga, even if the invisibility spell had Personal Range. The maga feels the warning that something has been resisted, but feels nothing else. See the magical bridge examples, earlier, for further discussion."
Personal (p. 111): Replace the description with the following:"The spell only affects the caster, defined in the same way as an Individual Target. Personal Range spells can never have a container Target (such as Circle, Room, or Structure)."
Wind at the Back (p. 128): In the calculation note "+2 Special (based on Concentration)".
Hornet Fire (p. 142): Replace the beginning of the final sentence of the description with "Their burning touch gives one person with range…".
The Crystal Dart (p. 154): Change the second sentence to begin: "It does +5 damage (because of the sharp edges of the crystal as much as its speed)".
Houses of Hermes: True Lineages
Boosting (p. 97): Replace the description as follows: "By spending a pawn of vis when casting boosted spells or activating a boosted effect in an item, you may increase the Range, Duration, Target, or size of the effect by one magnitude. You can do this multiple times for the same spell. For example, boosting Range from Touch to Sight and Target from Individual to Group would cost you four pawns of vis. You may not reduce any of the parameters of the spell, nor may you exceed the limits of Formulaic magic unless the spell is already a Ritual.Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used. Mutantes picture this process as "feeding" the magic, using vis to make it grow bigger and stronger."
Boosted Casting (p. 99): Replace the description as follows: "When casting this spell, you may use vis to increase the Range, Duration, Target, or size by one magnitude for each pawn spent. You may increase more than one aspect of the same spell. You may not reduce any of the parameters, nor exceed the limits of Formulaic magic unless the spell is already a Ritual. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used."
Boosting (p. 101): Replace the description as follows: "By spending a pawn of vis when casting boosted spells or activating a boosted effect in an item, you may increase the Range, Duration, Target, or size of the effect by one magnitude. You can do this multiple times for the same spell. For example, boosting Range from Touch to Sight and Target from Individual to Group would cost you four pawns of vis. You may not reduce any of the parameters of the spell, nor may you exceed the limits of Formulaic magic unless the spell is already a Ritual.Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used. Mutantes picture this process as "feeding" the magic, using vis to make it grow bigger and stronger."
Boosted Magic (p. 104): Replace the description with the following: "By spending a pawn of vis when casting Formulaic spells you may “boost” the Range, Duration, Target, or size of the effect by one magnitude. You can do this multiple times for the same spell. For example, boosting Range from Touch to Sight and Target from Individual to Group would cost you four pawns of vis. You may not reduce any of the parameters of the spell, nor may you exceed the limits of Formulaic magic. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used. This has no effect on Spontaneous or Ritual spells, though you can still use vis to boost your Penetration as normal. Note that while magi with Mutantum Magic (below) can invent spells that allow this, they cannot boost spells that were not designed to do so without taking this Virtue."
The Enchanted Chef (p. 52): Delete the final sentence of the second paragraph. ("The user may substitute Communication + Craft: Cook for Communication + Finesse if he possesses that skill.")
Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults
Perfect Transmission Site Example (p. 52): Delete "with no possibility of experimentation" from the fourth sentence. It is not possible to experiment when studying from vis in any case.
City & Guild
Weights and Measures (p. 140): Two digits got transposed. In the second sentence, change to "1/2,240 of a ton". In the summary at the bottom, change the first block to "16 ounces = 1 pound = 1/2,240 ton".
Realms of Power: Magic
Effects (p. 53-54): On page 54, immediately before the table, replace the latter half of the sentence with: "and a level 30 effect cast by a character without a Might Score will protect a magic character if it is constantly active for two out of every four seasons."
Hedge Magic, Revised Edition
Flexible Gruagach Magic (p. 57): Change the description as follows: "The gruachach’s Formulaic spells are more versatile than most. Instead of being able to vary the Range, Duration, Target, or size of a known spell by 2 magnitudes, the gruagach is able to vary the spell by 3 magnitudes."
Inflexible Magic (p. 58): Change the description as follows: "The gruagach’s Formulaic spells are not as versatile as most. Instead of being able to vary the Range, Duration, Target, or size of a known spell by 2 magnitudes, the gruagach is only able to vary his spells by 1 magnitude."
Gruagach Spells (p. 59): Revise the final paragraph of the section as follows: "Gruagachan are able to vary the effects of their Formulaic magic to a certain extent. They may cast any of their known spells with a different Range, Duration, Target, or size. They may only vary one parameter in a single casting. The final spell must be within 2 magnitudes of the original spell and the new Range, Duration, Target, or size must be one that is available to the character. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the casting level of the final spell. This works the same as the Hermetic Virtue Flexible Formulaic Magic, but allows the gruagach to alter 2 magnitudes of spells."
Flexible Casting (p. 59): Revise the description as follows: "For every full five points in the gruagach's Mastery Score, add one to the number of magnitudes by which he can vary the Range, Duration, Target, or size of a known Formulaic spell."
Flexible Formulaic Magic (p. 78): Under Integration Effects, change the second sentence of the first paragraph to read as follows: "A magus with Spell Mastery in Flexible Formulaic Magic is able to vary one parameter of a Formulaic spell (Range, Duration, Target, or size) as long as the final level of the spell is within one magnitude for every full five points of the magus’ Mastery Score. Otherwise, it works in the same way as Flexible Formulaic Magic."
Change the end of the second paragraph to read as follows: "by making the magnitude difference two instead of one".
Magi of Hermes
Bat (p. 10): Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", and remove the point cost and Init value.
Camel (p. 10-11): Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", and remove the point costs and Init values.
Convenient Warehouse (p. 69): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 34 (note that there are previous errata).
Charm Versus Dampness (p. 69): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 14.
Sight of the Wounded Prey (p. 76): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 14.
Helios's Companionship (p. 78): Change to R: Touch and T: Group. Increase the level to 29.
Arachne's Tuition (p. 101): Change to T: Touch (it is not practical to maintain eye contact while performing a task), increase the base to 10, and delete "+1 control fine movements". Change the level to ReCo 25.
Eyes of the Acolyte (p. 114): Change to R:Touch, T: Room. Increase the level to 19.
Laboratory that has Learned from Experience (p. 114): Change to R: Special. Add "Special (based on Touch) +2" to the calculation. Increase the level to 33.
Facade of Pentecost (p. 114):Change to R: Special. Add "Special (based on Touch) +2" to the calculation. Increase the level to 51.
Bag without Bottom (p. 126): Change to T: Ind. Reduce the level to 20.
Art and Academe
Magical Assistance to Disease Recovery Rolls (p. 56): Delete "at the same levels as Wound Recovery rolls. Different spells are required for providing magical aid to Disease Recovery rolls and Wound Recovery rolls, for the healing process works in a different manner."
Medical Magic (p. 57): Delete the first paragraph.
Hermetic Projects
Magical Ballast (p. 68-9): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size". The level remains unchanged.
The Ship's Hearth (p. 71): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 24. Replace the Required Lab Totals with "1 season (48), 2 seasons (36), 3 seasons (32), 4 seasons (30)".
Poseidon's Chariot (p. 72): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size". The level remains unchanged.
The Mermaid's Kiss (p. 72): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 48. Replace the Required Lab Totals with "1 season (96), 2 seasons (72), 3 seasons (64), 4 seasons (60)".
Catching the Tidal Winds (p. 72): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size". The level remains unchanged.
The Sky is My Ocean (p. 73): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size". The level remains unchanged.
Charged Items: The Necromancer's Blades (p. 100-1): On page 101, remove the final two sentences of the paragraph about the duration of Passing the Reins of Corpus.
Against the Dark
Diverting the River (p. 31): Make this spell a Ritual, because it has a very large effect.
Sudden Well (p. 31): Change the level to PeTe 25, and change to +3 size in the calculation.
The Hippocratic Staff (p. 98-9): Replace the last two sentences of the first paragraph with "It is enchanted with an effect that gives the character a +9 bonus to Recovery rolls." Rename "Wound Recovery Effect" to "Recovery Effect", and delete "Wound" from the description. Delete the Disease Recovery Effect and its description.
Between Sand & Sea
Camel (p. 136): Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", and remove the point costs and Init values.
Dies Irae
The Soothing Balm of Telesphorus (p. 95): Delete "Disease" from "Disease Recovery rolls".
Full Errata (Print Date to Present)
Ars Magica Fifth Edition, First Printing
Credits (p. 2): Add "Andrew Mitchell" to "Fifth Edition Design Contributions", between "Andrew Gronosky" and "Mark Shirley".
Die Rolls (p. 6): "role" in the last line should be "roll".
Intelligence (p. 18): Replace the first sentence with "Intelligence represents the power to analyse and synthesise concepts, as well as simple memory." Expand the end of the final sentence: "common sense, street savvy, wisdom, and the ability to learn are not described by Intelligence."
Format (p. 20): If you are British, no change is needed. If you are American, replace every occurrence of "brackets" with "parentheses". Yes, the British English for "parenthesis" is "bracket" (US brackets are "square brackets").
Specialist Template (p. 21): Axe & Heater Shield Initiative should be +1. Fist Initiative should be 0.
Knight Template (p. 23): Change the Single Weapon Ability entry to 'Single Weapon (heater shield) 5+2'
Replace the combat statistics for long sword and heater shield as follows:
Mounted: Init +2, Atk +17, Def +17, Dam +7
On foot: Init +2, Atk +14, Def +14, Dam +7
Criamon Template (p. 25): Enigmatic Wisdom 3 (riddles) should be Enigmatic Wisdom 3+2 (riddles).
Guernicus Template (p. 26): Replace In 12 (5) with In 12+3 (5).
Jerbiton Template (p. 26): Replace Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20) +11 with Illusion of Cool Flames (PeIm 10) +6.
Mercere Template (p. 26): The Casting Totals for both Clouds of Rain and Thunder and Clouds of Summer Snow should be +35. The Casting Total for Wings of the Soaring Wind should be +27.
Merinita Template (p. 27): Delete "Faerie Magic (illusions) 1".
Verditius Template (p. 28): Terram is 12+3.
Darius Example - Apprenticeship (p. 32): He spends 15 exp on Penetration 2. Replace Grip of the Choking Hand with Dust to Dust.
Darius Example - Post-Apprenticeship (p. 33): He raises Corpus to 13, not 15.
Darius (p. 34): His Encumbrance is 0 (2). Gift of the Bear's Fortitude should be listed before the PeCo spells, not after.; Replace Grip of the Choking Hand with Dust to Dust; Seven League Stride is level 30, not level 35.
Table (p. 38-39): Add "Offensive to Animals" to the list of General Minor Flaws. The "General, Supernatural" heading should be "Supernatural, Major".
Apt Student (p. 40): Replace "Study Total" with "Advancement Total".
Flawless Magic (p. 42): Change the final sentence to read "Further, all experience points you put into Spell Mastery Abilities are doubled."
Good Teacher (p. 43): Replace "Study Total" with "Advancement Total".
Inventive Genius (p. 44): Should be after Intuition, to be in alphabetical order.
Mastered Spells (p. 46): Change the penultimate sentence to read "You may take this Virtue if you also have Flawless Magic, to give you more experience points to spend on mastering your spells."
Minor Magical Focus (p. 46): Replace the final paragraph with: "When you cast a spell or generate a Lab Total within your focus, add the lowest applicable Art score twice, as for a Major Magical Focus (page 45)."
Puissant (Ability) (p. 48): Replace the first sentence of the text with: "You are particularly adept with one Ability, and add 2 to its value whenever you use it. Note that you do not, in general, use an Ability when learning it, teaching it, or writing about it."
Puissant (Art) (p. 48): Replace the first sentence of the text with: "You add 3 to the value of one Art whenever you use it."
Redcap (p. 48): At the end of the second paragraph, add: "Redcaps created some years past Gauntlet get improved enchanted devices, as described above, and, if applicable, a Longevity Ritual."
Clumsy Magic (p. 52): Should refer to "aiming" not "targeting". Aiming is described on page 86.
Greater Malediction (p. 54): Replace "Major, General" with "Major, Supernatural".
Incomprehensible (p. 55): Add "If you are a magus teaching spells, halve all applicable Lab Totals, both yours and the student's."
Waster of Vis (p. 61): Replace "if you botch" with "if you roll a zero".
Weird Magic (p. 61): Replace "Roll one extra botch die when you botch" with "Roll one extra botch die when you roll a zero"
Abilities by Type (p. 63): Move (Area) Lore to be after Animal Handling. Add "Magic Theory*" to Arcane Abilities, after Magic Lore.
Ritual Magic (p. 81): In the last line of the central column, replace "major" with "heavy".
The Functioning of Magic Resistance (pp. 85-86): Delete the final sentence of the first paragraph on page 86, starting "Note that..."
Verditius Magic (p. 93): Add the following sentence to the end of the penultimate paragraph: "The magus, or any other magus, may invest effects in the device as if he had paid the full, normal cost to open it."
Arcane Studies (p. 94): Replace "are" with "is" in the first sentence.
Designing the Effect (p. 98): The final comma in the sentence beginning "Wands with offensive powers..." should be a semi-colon.
The Initial Bond (p. 104): Replace "level" with "Lab Total" in the penultimate sentence of the final paragraph: "This costs one pawn of vis for every five points or fraction thereof of the Lab Total."; Replace the first sentence of the formula under Familiar Bonding Cost with: 1 pawn of vis per five levels or fraction of the binding Lab Total.
Magical Wards (p. 114): In the final sentence add "(Range Personal, Target Individual)" after "the magus".
Spell Format (p. 115): Delete "are depicted in the diagram on this page and".
Design (p. 116): Replace "bracketed" with "parenthetical", if you are American.
Animal Spells (p. 117): Delete "and The Immaculate Beast (MuAn15)." from the end of the second paragraph.
Animal Spells (p. 117): Add "Most shapechangers do not change their essential nature, which remains human, so their bodies can still be affected by Corpus spells." to the end of the paragraph beginning "A Bjornaer..."
Beast of Outlandish Size (p. 118): Replace the second sentence with "This change modifies Strength by +2, the range for each wound level increases by one, and Quickness falls by one."
Beast of Miniscule Proportions (p. 119): Replace the second sentence with "This modifies Strength by Ð4, reduces the range for each wound type by two points, and increases Quickness by +2."
Perdo Animal (p. 119): The "Level 20" heading was omitted between Agony of the Beast and Blunt the Viper's Fangs.
Ward Against the Beasts of Legend (p 120): Replace the first sentence with: "No magical beast whose Magic Might is equal to or less than the level can affect anyone within the Circle or, if it is within the Circle, affect those outside."
Aquam Spells (p. 121): In the second paragraph, "further guidelines are given here", not "give".
Might Torrent of Water (p. 121): The base level is 10, not 5. The final level is correct.
The Cloudless Sky Returned (p. 128): Should be level 45. The level calculation is correct.
Cheating the Reaper (p. 129): The base level is 25. The spell level is correct.
Guidelines (p. 132): Replace the opening sentence of the penultimate introductory paragraph. "Certain shapechanging spells allow the target to change back by concentrating."
Mists of Change (p. 132): Change the end of the penultimate sentence of the description: "...number of rolls made so far the mists envelope and transform them at some point in the next half hour."
Awaken the Slumbering Corpse (p. 134): Delete the spurious second occurrence of +1 Conc).
Curse of the Haunted Forest (p. 137): Should be level 60, not level 55. The level calculation is correct.
The Treacherous Spear (p. 139): "It has no Soak, and is "killed" after...", not ""skilled"".
Well Without Light (p. 142): Delete the references to a black onyx.
Muto Mentem Guidelines (p. 150): Replace the final introductory paragraph with: "Granting a magical sense to multiple people has a base level one magnitude higher than granting it to one person using Intellego, and has requisites of Intellego and the appropriate Form. The necessary increases to Range and Target increase the level further."
Poisoning the Will (p. 151): The level should be 65, not 60. The level calculation is correct.
Rego Mentem Guidelines (p. 151): Change the final guideline to Level 25: Completely Control a Person's Mind and Emotions.
Enslave the Mortal Mind (p. 152): Change the calculation parenthesis to read: (Base 25, +1 Eye, +2 Sun).
Exchange of Two Minds (p. 152): Add a final descriptive sentence: "If only one person fails the roll, that person dies and the spell fails. The other target is unaffected"
Muto Vim (p. 159): Add the following paragraph to the end of the general description: "A Muto Vim spell, like any other Muto spell, can only change its target for as long as the Muto Vim spell is in effect. Thus, its duration should normally be at least as long as the spell that is its target. The spells below have a duration of Momentary, but versions with longer Durations can be invented as normal." See the errata for second printing, below.
Perdo Vim Guidelines (p. 160): In the third General guideline, add "Score" after "Might".
Demon's Eternal Oblivion (p. 160): Add "Score" after "Might".
Shroud Magic (p. 159): Delete "or has been cast but is still active."
Sorcerer's Fork (p. 159): Replace the second sentence with: "Each resulting spell has the same Range and Target (target category, that is, the actual target may be different) as the original spell, but the power of the effect is divided by the number of resulting split spells. If Sorcerer's Fork expires before the main spell does, the full effect of the spell moves to one of the targets, chosen at random."
Limits (P. 163): Replace the penultimate sentence with: "The student may not gain a score in the Ability or Art higher than the level of the source, and may not gain any experience points towards the next level from that source." Add a final sentence: "This limit is called the Gain Limit."
Books (p. 165): Replace the summaries with:
- Summa Statistics:
Source Quality and Level
Summa Gain Limit:
Summa Level
Tractatus Statistics:
Source Quality
Crisis (p. 170): Replace "Decrepitude Points" with "Decrepitude Score" in the formula.
Defender (p. 173): Add the following sentence at the end of the first paragraph: "The defending group may undertake any normal combat actions."
Melee Weapons Table (p. 176): None of the 0's should have + signs in front of them.
Realm Auras insert (p. 183): Under "Penetration", change both references to "Casting Total" to "Casting Score".
Tainted Vis (p. 190): Last line of the first column, replace "who's" with "who'd".
Pieces of History (p. 202): In the fourth line, "Realms and Bestiary chapters", not "chapter".
Long-Term Events (p. 227): Replace the first book formulae with:
- Summa Statistics:
Source Quality and Level
Summa Gain Limit:
Summa Level
Tractatus Statistics:
Source Quality
Character Sheet (p. 236): There are a number of errors on the character sheet. Download the corrected version.
Ars Magica Fifth Edition, Second Printing
Abilities (p. 18): Replace the last sentence of the first paragraph as follows: "A character can only learn Academic, Arcane, or Martial Abilities if he has an appropriate Virtue or Flaw, or is a magus."
Bjornaer Template (p. 24): Replace "Blunt the Viper's Fangs" with "Agony of the Beast".
Bjornaer Template (p. 24): Replace the second sentence of the customization notes with "The combination of Blatant Gift and Inoffensive to Animals means that she gets along better the animals than with people."
Guernicus template (p. 26): Delete "None" from and add "Quaesitor (Hermetic) 3" to the Reputations line.
Verditius template (p. 27): Change Size to -2.
Magus Only - Apprenticeship (p. 32): At the end of the final paragraph, add "This is the appropriate Lab Total, assuming an aura modifier of +3."
Virtues and Flaws Rules and Guidelines (p. 37): Add the following point to the list for grogs, before "You may not take Hermetic Virtues and Flaws": "You may not take Major Virtues or Flaws"
Affinity with (Ability) (p. 40): Replace "Study Totals" with "Advancement Totals". Add "rounded up" after "by half".
Affinity with (Art) (p. 40): Replace "Study Totals" with "Advancement Totals".
Apt Student (p. 40): Replace the second sentence with "When being taught or trained by someone else, add five to the Source Quality".
Cautious Sorcerer (p. 40): Replace the parenthetical note about spells with "(whether ritual, formulaic, or spontaneous)".
Cyclic Magic (positive) (p. 41): Change the second sentence to "At those times, you receive a +3 bonus to all Casting Scores".
Diedne Magic (p. 41): Replace the first sentence of the last paragraph as follows: "You must keep your lineage hidden from the Order, giving you a Major Story Flaw — Dark Secret is an obvious choice, but you may choose a different one with troupe approval."
Elemental Magic (p. 41): Replace as follows:
"You have been trained in the ability to manipulate raw elemental Forms (Aquam, Auram, Ignem, and Terram), and view them as a connected whole rather than four separate Arts. Whenever you gain experience from a source dedicated to one of these Arts, you gain half the Source Quality in experience points in each of the other three Arts. For example, if you studied Ignem from a book with a Source Quality of 13, you would gain 7 experience points in each of Aquam, Auram, and Terram.
"During character creation, assign all your experience points in Arts. Then assign half the experience points assigned to each of the elemental Forms to each of the other elemental Forms. Do not actually add these experience points to the Form in question until you have finished calculating all the bonus experience points. For example, if you assign 10 experience points to each of the Aquam, Auram, and Terram, and 21 experience points to Ignem, then you should assign 15 bonus experience points to Ignem (5 from each of Aquam, Auram, and Terram), and 21 bonus experience points to Aquam, Auram, and Terram (11 from Ignem, and 5 each from the other two Forms).
"In addition, if a spell with one of these Forms as its primary Form has another element as a requisite, you use the primary Form to calculate totals, even if the requisite is lower."
Failed Apprentice (p. 42): Replace the fifth sentence with "You may learn Academic, Arcane, and Martial Abilities during character creation, and you are familiar with the lives of magi." Delete the sentence "You may learn Magic Theory and serve a magus as a laboratory assistant.".
Flexible Formulaic Magic (p. 42): Replace the description with the following: "You can vary the effects of Formulaic spells to a slight degree, while still getting the benefits of casting known magic. You may raise or lower the casting level of the spell by one magnitude to raise or lower one (only) of Range, Duration, Target category and Target size by one step, as long as this does not violate any of the normal limits on Formulaic magic. You may instead change one (only) of those parameters to another parameter at the same level, without modifying the casting level, as long as this does not violate any of the normal limits on Formulaic magic. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the casting level of the spell. You cannot manipulate Ritual magic in this way."
Good Teacher (p. 43): Replace "Advancement Total" with "Source Quality".
Inventive Genius (p. 44): Replace the second sentence with "You get +3 to your Lab Total if you are not using a Laboratory Text.".
Life Boost (p. 44): Add "or Ritual" after "formulaic".
Life-Linked Spontaneous Magic (p. 45): In the second paragraph, change the second sentence to begin "If your result after division", and the third sentence to also begin "If your result after division".
Magister in Artibus (p. 45): Replace the final sentence with "This Virtue is only available to male characters, and is compatible with the Hermetic Magus, Mendicant Friar, and Priest Virtues."
Mercurian Magic (p. 46): Replace all occurences of Wizard's Communion with Wizard's Vigil. In the second paragraph, add "or other spells, such as Wizard's Communion, with the same function" after the first occurrence of Wizard's Vigil.
Mercurian Magic (p. 46): Replace the final paragraph as follows: "All known members of the Mercurian lineage also have the Minor Flaw Ceremonial Spontaneous Magic."
Method Caster (p. 46): Add "This bonus also applies to Ritual spells".
Mythic Blood (p. 47): Replace "by less than ten points" with "by ten points or less". Add "When casting Ritual spells, lose three fewer Fatigue levels than normal. This means that you lose no Fatigue levels if you succeed or fail by ten points or less." In the following paragraph, add "non-Ritual" before "Hermetic effect".
Puissant (Art) (p. 48): Replace the third sentence ("It does not apply to Study Totals.") with "It does not apply when learning, teaching, or writing about the Art."
Secondary Insight (p. 48): Make it a Minor Virtue, and replace the description with the following:
- Your method of magical study is especially versatile. When you spend a season studying one of the magical Techniques from a book, a teacher, or raw vis, you also gain a single experience point in any 4 Forms of your choosing. When studying one of the magical Forms, you also gain a single experience point in any 2 separate Techniques of your choosing. You may not put more than one bonus experience point into a single Art, and may choose different Arts to receive the bonus experience points in each season, even when continuing to study the same Art from the same source. These bonus experience points are not increased by Affinities or any other factors.
Skinchanger (p. 48): Change "between Size -5 (robin) and Size +2 (bear)" to "between Size -10 (robin) and Size +2 (bear)".
Special Circumstances (p. 49): Change the second half of the first sentence to say "gaining a +3 bonus to your Casting Scores and Magic Resistance. (A character only gains a bonus to Magic Resistance if she has Magic Resistance from another source.)"
Unaging (p. 50): Replace the fourth sentence with "You may die from terminal and potentially fatal crises, according to the normal rules."
Ways of the Land (p. 50): Change the beginning of the third sentence to read "You get a +3 bonus to all rolls, including combat, and Casting Scores that directly involve that area and its inhabitants;..."
Afflicted Tongue (p. 51): Change the second sentence to read "You suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls involving the voice, and all Casting Scores if you cast the spell using words."
Careless Sorcerer (p. 52): Insert the following new Flaw immediately after this one:
Ceremonial Spontaneous Magic
Minor, Hermetic
You need time and effort to focus your Spontaneous magic. You can only cast Spontaneous spells using the rules for Ceremonial Casting (page 83). This Flaw is not compatible with Difficult Spontaneous Magic or Weak Spontaneous Magic.
Compulsion (p. 52): Change to "Major or Minor".
Creative Block (p. 52): Change the second sentence to read "You take a –3 penalty to all Lab Totals unless you are using a Laboratory Text.".
Cyclic Magic (negative) (p. 52): Change the second sentence to "You have a -3 penalty to all Lab Totals and Casting Scores during that time".
Deficient Form (p. 53): Change "study totals" to "Advancement Totals".
Deficient Technique (p. 53): Change "Study totals" to "Advancement Totals".
Incomprehensible (p. 55): Change "Study Total" to "Advancement Total".
Judged Unfairly (p. 55): Change to a General Flaw. Add the following sentence at the end of the description: "You cannot gain a positive Reputation in any community, and this Flaw is incompatible with any Virtue that gives you such a Reputation."
Loose Magic (p. 55): Replace "Study Total" with "Advancement Total".
No Hands (p. 56): Change the second half of the second sentence as follows: "and magi with this Flaw take a -5 penalty to all Casting Scores."
Nocturnal (p.56): Change to a General Flaw.
Outlaw Leader (p. 57): Add the following sentence to the end. "Outlaw followers created as grogs should take the Branded Criminal, Outcast or Wanderer social status."
Prohibition (p. 58): Change to a Supernatural Flaw.
Reckless (p. 58): Make available as a Major Flaw as well, and change the description as follows: "You tend not to notice that situations are threatening, and certainly do not stop to consider whether they might be. You just go ahead and charge right in."
Transvestite (p. 59): Replace this Flaw with the following.
Gender Nonconforming
Personality, Major or Minor
You do not conform to the expected behaviour for a person of the gender that your society would assign to you in the absence of social cues such as clothes and behaviour. This may mean, for example, that you dress as a member of another gender, or that you structure your life in a way considered appropriate to another gender, or that you are sexually attracted to members of the same gender. It does not necessarily mean that you disagree about what your gender is, although it may. As a Minor Flaw, it does not normally cause you problems, whether because your society accepts your behaviour, or because you can turn people who object into newts, or for some other reason. As a Major Flaw, it does cause you problems."
Vow (p. 60): Make this available as a Major Flaw. Delete the last two sentences (about Confidence and Reputations) and replace them with "A Vow that is a Major Flaw must be a vow to do something, rather than refrain from something, so that it can drive you to act."
Weak Spontaneous Magic (p. 61): In the first sentence, replace "Casting Total" by "Casting Score".
Specializations (p. 62): Replace the first sentence with "Each Ability you select for your character, except Spell Mastery, should be assigned a specialization".
(Living Language) (p. 66): Add the following sentences to the paragraph after the list of competences by score. "Two dialects of the same language generally have a –1 penalty. If your character is not specialized in a dialect, you should specify a dialect without specializing in it, and take the penalty when conversing with people who speak a different dialect. If you speak a "standard" version of the language, that is a dialect that differs from all other dialects."
Sense Holiness and Unholiness (p. 67): Replace the slightly confusing text about demons and angels with "The Ease Factor to detect a demon is 0, but the character must still Penetrate its Magic Resistance (see page 184). If an angel is hiding its divine nature, which is unusual, the Ease Factor is 15, and the character must Penetrate. If the angel is not hiding its divine nature, the roll automatically succeeds.".
Library (p. 71): Replace the antepenultimate sentence with "Summae have a level, and once a character's level in the subject of the book equals that level, the book is no longer of any use."
Ritual Magic (p. 81): Replace the fourth paragraph as follows:
"The magnitude of Ritual spells, and the need to incorporate many elements, means that a stress die is always rolled, which normally creates the possibility of a botch. However, if the maga has mastered the spell, there are no botch dice in a calm situation, as for Formulaic spells."
The Functioning of Magic Resistance (p. 85): Replace the second paragraph with the following: "Spells cast with Personal Range do not have to overcome the caster's own Magic Resistance. Spell cast with any other Range, even if cast by the maga on herself, do have to overcome the caster's own Magic Resistance."
The Functioning of Magic Resistance (p. 86): Add the following example after the invisible character bullet point: "An invisible character cannot touch or exert physical force on the maga, even if the invisibility spell had Personal Range. The maga feels the warning that something has been resisted, but feels nothing else. See the magical bridge examples, earlier, for further discussion."
Spell Mastery (p. 86): Add the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph. "Spell mastery Abilities are their own category, and Virtues that give characters access to other categories of Ability do not cover spell mastery Abilities. They may only be learned by characters who use Hermetic magic to cast spells."
Fast Casting (p. 87): Add the following sentence. "This special ability may not be taken for Ritual spells."
Multiple Casting (p. 87): Replace the the last sentence of the first paragraph with "You may cast a number of additional copies of the spell equal to or less than your Mastery Score."
Multiple Casting (p. 87): Add the following sentence at the beginning of the second paragraph. "All copies of the spell are cast simultaneously, and the action counts as a single casting for the purposes of Concentration and similar concerns." Replace "spell" with "copy" throughout the paragraph. Add the following sentence at the end of the paragraph. "Any other, special, cost associated with casting the spell must be paid for each copy."
Multiple Casting (p. 87): Add the following paragraph at the end. "This special ability may be taken for Ritual spells. The casting time is that for a single spell, but one pawn of appropriate vis per magnitude of the spell must be expended for each copy. The normal limit on pawns of vis expended (the maga's score in the Art) applies. Excess Fatigue levels lost convert to wounds, as normal for Ritual spells."
Warping (p. 88): The cross reference should be to page 167.
New Spell (p. 89): Add "or Ritual" after "Formulaic".
Twilight Example (p. 89): Replace the first sentence of the final paragraph as follows: "The simple die for additional Warping Points is a one, so Darius gains three Warping Points in total. He loses six experience points in Corpus, two for each of the three Warping Points he gained."
Faerie Magic (p. 92): Replace the second sentence of the final introductory paragraph with "They may use these with Spontaneous, Ritual, and Formulaic magic, although some of them require Ritual magic."
Road (Range) (p. 92): Replace "but she must know that it is there" with "but she must be able to sense it somehow".
Verditius Magic (p. 93): Add "or Ritual" after "Formulaic" in the first sentence of the last paragraph.
Basic Laboratory Activities (p. 94): Delete the following sentence: "If it is not, he does not."
Talisman Attunment (p. 98): Change the second sentence in the final paragraph of the section to read "They apply to Casting Scores for Ritual, Formulaic, and Spontaneous magic, but they do not apply to Magic Resistance or any laboratory activities".
Enchanted Item Example (p. 98): Replace the first two sentences with "A wooden wand is a small wooden object, and thus can only contain four pawns of vis. As Mari is making a Lesser Enchantment she doesn't need to open the item, but she can still only invest four pawns worth of effects."
Effect Expiry (p. 99): Add the following sentence before the table. "Effect Expiry cannot be applied to Lesser Enchanted Items or Charged Items."
Using Enchanted Devices (p. 100): Replace the first sentence of the sixth bullet point (the last one in the left column) with: "You may perform one trigger action for an enchanted item in a round. In most cases, this will activate one effect, but some items may be designed so that one action activates multiple effects."
Longevity Rituals (p. 101): Add the following sentences to the final paragraph of this section. "A Longevity Ritual performed for someone else also fails when the subject suffers from an aging crisis. If the subject is a magus and has access to the Laboratory Text, he may perform the ritual himself. (Vis usage is limited by the magus's Arts, as for a spell, which may make it impossible.) As the magus was present for the original creation of the ritual, and quite possibly assisting in it, he understands the shorthand. A subject who is not a Hermetic magus may not repeat the ritual. Any magus with access to the Laboratory Text may do this, no matter what his Lab Total, but a magus who was not involved in the initial creation need an accessible Laboratory Text."
Writing Laboratory Texts (p. 102): Add the following paragraph at the end of the section. "Any person who assisted in a particular Laboratory Activity, adding their Intelligence + Magic Theory to the Lab Total, understands the Laboratory Texts produced for that activity without needing to translate them, and may make generally accessible copies. This also applies to a magus who is the subject of a Longevity Ritual created by another magus, even if he does not assist. Assistants do not, however, create Laboratory Texts."
Using Laboratory Texts (p. 102): Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with "A magus who has a Laboratory Text for a particular effect may reproduce it in a single season if his Lab Total equals or exceeds the level of the effect." Replace the third sentence with "A magus may reproduce multiple effects if they are all of the same Technique and Form, and the total of their levels is no greater than his Lab Total.".
The Bronze Cord (p. 104): Change "a bonus to Soak rolls" to "a bonus to Soak totals".
Shared Senses (p. 105): Change the base level to share a single sense to five, and the final level to 20.
Finding Your Apprentice (p. 106): In the second paragraph, reduce the difficulty of the roll from 12+ to 9+.
Extraordinary Results (p. 108): Add the following sentence at the end of the first paragraph. "The level of the effect is not changed by any extraordinary result, nor does it gain any requisites. This may result in a spell or effect that is more or less powerful than a conventional Hermetic effect of its level."
Level Guidelines (p. 111): Add "ritual, " before "formulaic".
Personal (p. 111): Replace the description with the following:"The spell only affects the caster, defined in the same way as an Individual Target. Personal Range spells can never have a container Target (such as Circle, Room, or Structure)."
Durations (p. 112): Add the following paragraph immediately before "Momentary".
- "A magus can recast a spell with Diameter, Sun, Moon, or Year Duration at the end of its period, so that the effect is continuous, and does not briefly disappear between the two castings. The magus recasting the spell does not have to be the same person who case the original spell, and it does not even have to be the same spell, although for a lot of spells that will not make much difference. (This is important, for example, if a covenant casts a higher-level version of Aegis of the Hearth one year.) No roll is required to achieve this, but distracting events may prevent it. The critical period is about a Diameter for Sun, Moon, or Year spells, and any distraction that interrupts the recasting of the spell is enough to guarantee at least a short break for Diameter spells. For Ritual spells, it is easy for magi to determine when they must start casting to avoid a break, as such calculations are covered by Artes Liberales and Philosophiae, but if the Ritual is interrupted and must be restarted, there will not be enough time to restart that Ritual and cast it before the older spell ends."
Ring (p. 112): Modify the first clause to read "until the target of the spell, or part of the target, moves outside the ring".
Targets and Sizes (p. 113): Add the following paragraphs at the end of the insert:
"Each Target level includes all of the possible sizes of that target, even though the spell level changes. The size of the target can be manipulated in the same way as the Target parameter, whether through Virtues, MuVi, or other techniques, but these are all changes within the same type of Target. For example, a Target Individual spell with +2 magnitudes for size, to affect an Individual 100 times the normal size, has the same Target parameter as a Target Individual spell with no magnitudes added for size.
"When changing the size of a non-living target, the base guideline is for a spell that enlarges a target of the base size by a factor of up to ten, or shrinks it by a factor of up to 100. Adding a magnitude to the guideline allows the spell to enlarge the target by a further factor of ten (for a total of 100 times larger), or shrink it by a further factor of 100 (for a total of 10,000 times smaller). Modifications for the size of the original target are in addition to these modifiers, so that a spell to shrink an individual ten times larger than a base Individual by a factor of 10,000 would be two magnitudes higher than the guideline given for changing the size of the target. Forms dealing with living targets have their own guidelines; for living targets, a change of 3 Size points is roughly equivalent to a change by a factor of ten."
Changing Ranges, Durations, and Targets (p. 114): In the penultimate sentence of the final paragraph, add "or Ritual" after "Formulaic".
Curse of the Ravenous Swarm (p. 117): Change the level to 50, and replace "+1 Group" with "+2 Group" in the level calculation.
Rego Animal Guidelines (p. 120): In the General guideline, replace "less than" with "less than or equal to".
Aquam Spells (p. 121): Change the size of the puddle of corrosive liquids to half a pace across and a fifth of a pace deep.
Touch of the Pearls (p. 122): Drop the Duration to Momentary, and increase the Base to 4, so that it can work on a mixture of, for example, wine and poison.
Wind at the Back (p. 128): Replace "D: Sun" with "D: Special", and in the calculation note "+2 Special (based on Concentration)".
Rego Corpus Guidelines (p. 134): In the General guideline, replace "less than" with "less than or equal to".
Rego Corpus Guidelines (p. 134): Expand the second Level 15 guideline to read "Move a target quickly in any direction you please, even if it is unsupported."
Endurance of the Berserkers (p. 134): Delete the final paragraph of the spell description.
The Bountiful Feast (p. 135): Change to T: Special. In the description, change "Boundary" to "target", and in the description replace "+4 Bound" with "+4 Special (equivalent to Boundary)".
Rego Herbam Guidelines (p. 138): In the General guideline, replace "less than" with "less than or equal to".
Hornet Fire (p. 142): Replace the beginning of the final sentence of the description with "Their burning touch gives one person with range…".
Rego Mentem Guidelines (p. 151): Add "(Ritual)" after the level 15 "Summon a ghost" guideline.
Rego Mentem Guidelines (p. 151): In the General guideline, replace "less than" with "less than or equal to".
The Crystal Dart (p. 154): Replace the beginning of the first sentence of the description as follows: "The spell transforms a stone into a 10-inch crystal dart that rises…"
The Crystal Dart (p. 154): Change the second sentence to begin: "It does +5 damage (because of the sharp edges of the crystal as much as its speed)".
Object of Increased Size (p. 154): Change the level to 20, and add "+1 stone" to the level calculation.
Earth That Breaks No More (p. 154): Change the description to read "Turns a volume of packed dirt of up to ten cubic paces into stone".
Rego Terram Guidelines (p. 155): In the General guideline, replace "less than" with "less than or equal to".
The Trackless Step (p. 155): The Trackless Step (p. 155): Change to D: Special, T: Part, and change the calculation to (Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Special (based on Concentration), +1 Part). Add "This spell draws on pre-Hermetic traditions, and does not perfectly fit the categories of Hermetic magic.".
Vim Spells (p. 156): In the final paragraph on the page, replace the last two sentences (starting "Thus, a version...") as follows: Thus, a version of Wind of Mundane Silence (PeVi) with Sight range would dispel a spell with a level of up to half (spell level - 5 + stress die). Ten levels of the spell's power are devoted to increasing the Target, and 15 to increasing the Range, and only the remaining power is available for the spell.
Muto, Perdo, and Rego Vim Guidelines (pp. 159, 160, 161): In the General guidelines, replace each occurrence of "less than" with "less than or equal to".
Muto Vim Guidelines (p. 159): Delete the final two sentences of the first paragraph.
Muto Vim Guidelines (p. 159): Replace the final paragraph with the following: "Muto Vim spells work by altering the magical energies that create the spell as it is being cast. The spell is the result of the combination of the base casting and the Muto Vim effect, and has its effect once both the casting and the Muto Vim effect have finished. This means that a Muto Vim spell must have a duration at least as long as the casting of the target spell, but need not last for as long as the spell itself. For normally-cast formulaic spells, a Momentary Duration is sufficient, but if the casting time is longer for any reason, the Muto Vim spell must also have a longer Duration; Sun is sufficient for any practical Ritual."
The Sorcerer's Fork (p. 159): Replace the parenthesis in the first sentence with "(whose level must not exceed the level of this spell)". Delete the sentence beginning "If Sorcerer's Fork expires...".
Wizard's Boost (p. 160): Delete the following sentence: "There are other versions of this spell, each of which affects one of range, duration, and target, for any Form."
Wizard's Communion (p. 160): Replace the final sentence of the first paragraph as follows. "One of the magi in the group must also know the specified spell, or cast it from a Casting Tablet." Replace the first sentence of the second paragraph as follows: "Only one magus in the group needs to cast the spell. The magus who casts the Wizard's Communion need not be the one who casts the main spell, and normally it is better for them to be different. More than one magus in the group may cast the spell. In this case, add the total levels of successfully cast Wizard's Communion to get the effective level of the Wizard's Communion for this casting."
Muto Vim Spells (p. 160): After Wizard's Reach, add: Wizard's Vigil. R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group. This spell functions as Wizard's Communion, except that the longer duration allows it to be used with Ritual spells. For the purposes of its effect, treat it as a Wizard's Communion of two magnitudes lower.
Perdo Vim Guidelines: General (p. 160): Change "Reduce a target's Might Score by the level of the spell + 10" to "Reduce a target's Might Score by the level of the spell + 2 magnitudes" in the third guideline.
Perdo Vim Guidelines: General (p. 160): Replace "casting total" with "level" in the fourth guideline (the general dispel guideline.)
Disenchant (p. 160): Replace "exceeds" with "equals or exceeds".
Aegis of the Hearth (p. 161): Add ", sizes, or both" to the end of the penultimate sentence.
Maintaining the Demanding Spell (p. 162): Change "An Intelligence + Concentration stress roll" to "A Stamina + Concentration stress roll".
Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork (p. 162): In the third sentence, replace "be less than" with "not exceed".
Advancement (p. 163): Change the sentence after the formula to say "A character may only gain experience from one source (one book, one teacher, one set of adventures) in one season."
Exposure (p. 163): Add the following sentence after the first sentence in the paragraph after the statement of Source Quality: "If you split the experience points, calculate an Advancement Total for each Ability or Art separately based on a Source Quality of one."
Adventures (p. 163): Add the following sentences to the end of the first paragraph. "Note that the Source Quality is for the whole season, no matter how many adventures happen in a season. (Multiple adventures in one season would be a good reason to set a Source Quality of 10, however.) Similarly, an adventure that takes more than one season may serve as a source of experience in each of those seasons."
Adventure (p. 163): Add the following sentence at the end of the final paragraph: "Treat the number of experience points that you assign to each Ability or Art as a Source Quality, and calculate each Advancement Total separately."
Practice (p. 164): Replace the formula call-out as follows: Practice Source Quality: 4–8, usually 4
Summae (p. 165): Replace the final sentence of the third paragraph as follows. "This bonus cannot exceed the base quality of the summa, so the final quality cannot be more than twice the sum of the author's Communication + bonuses from Virtues + 6."
Copying Books (p. 166): Replace the third sentence of the first paragraph as follows. "When she has accumulated points equal to the level of an Art summa, or five times the level of an Ability summa, it has been copied."
Combat: Simple Example (p. 172): In the penultimate paragraph, the damage to Polandrus is 9 points, not 10. Change the last three sentences of the paragraph to read "This gives Ignatio an Attack Advantage of 8, which after accounting for Ignatio's Damage and Polandrus's Soak works out to 9 points of damage (note that Polandrus's Wound Penalty does not apply to Soak because Soak is not an action). This inflicts a Heavy Wound on Polandrus, adding another -5 to his Wound Penalty. The wolf is now at -6 to all actions."
Trained Group (p. 173): Change the first sentence of the third paragraph to read, "The maximum number of fighters in the group is equal to the leader's Leadership score, or six, whichever is lower."
Weapon Tables (p. 176 and 177): Change "The modifier to X" to "The Weapon X Modifier" in the tables.
Wound Penalty –3 to –5 (p. 179): Replace "Study Total" with "Advancement Total".
Realm Interaction (p. 183): Add the following sentence to the final paragraph of the section: "Divine powers have no penalty and no additional botch dice in auras of the other realms."
Creature Magic Resistance (p. 184): Replace "Might Score" with "Might Score + Aura Modifier".
Creature Magic Resistance (p. 191): Replace "Might Score" with "Might Score + Aura Modifier".
Creatures of the Divine (p. 198): Add the following sentences to the end of the final paragraph of the general text, immediately before the Lupersus heading: "Specific Flaws that modify or simulate the effects of The Gift may cause creatures with Divine Might to react negatively to the character with the Flaw, although Magical Air does not. Such Flaws, and encounters, are not common enough for anyone in Mythic Europe to wonder why."
Creature Magic Resistance (p. 227): Under both Chapter Twelve: Realms and Chapter Thirteen: Bestiary, replace "Might Score" with "Might Score + Aura Modifier".
Character Sheet (p. 236): Replace "House" with "Covenant".
Character Sheet (unnumbered, p. 238): On the third page of the character sheet, remove the Multiple Casting line, and its formula.
Lab (p. 238): Replace "Int + Theory + Form" with "Int + Theory + Aura".
Semita Errabunda
Fire Guardian (p. 4): Change the calculation to PeIg 29 (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Room, +3 levels environmental trigger, +1 level 2 uses/day)
Broken Covenant of Calebais
Ash, A Redcap (p. 11): Add "Wilderness Sense 1 (resources)" to her Abilities.
Luc, Sir Gilbert's Adviser (p. 21): His Attack and Damage scores for Dodge should both be "n/a".
Riddle (p. 26-27): White out the numbers on the riddle cards. They rather reduce the challenge for the players. Also delete the reference to the Eyes of Quendalon at the bottom of the fox.
The Dryad (p. 29): Reduce her Faerie Might to 25.
Level One Map (p. 38): The printed version should be replaced with this one.
Josephine (p. 47): Change Great Weapon (spear) to Great Weapon (long spear). Her armor should be "partial metal reinforced leather armor".
Ferdina, the Autocrat (p. 54): Change her Artes Liberales specialty to "arithmetic", and change her Attack and Damage to "n/a".
Mormulus, Magister of Illusion (p. 58): Change his Attack and Damage to "n/a".
Ierimyra, Mistress of Beasts (p. 61): Change the level of Gift of the Man's Fortitude to 25.
Althea (p. 69): Change her Attack and Damage to "n/a". Change her specialty in Artes Liberales to "arithmetic".
Granorda, Magister of Death (p. 74): Change her Attack and Damage to "n/a". Grip of the Choking Hand is level 25, not level 15.
Crenvalus, Magister of Control (p. 75): Tossing the Brawling Brute should be Base 10, level 20, and Topple the Brutish Band should be Base 10, level 30.
The Diadems (p. 78): Delete "producing a Major Personality Flaw" from the final sentence in the box. The Warping has the normal effects.
Sister Alice (p. 84): Reduce her Faith score to 3. In the final paragraph of her description, change "magic resistance of 60" to "Magic Resistance of 30".
Combat Statistics: The combat statistics in the book were calculated with pre-publication versions of the weapon statistics, and thus are almost all wrong. We apologize. Please use the numbers below.
- Ash of the Broken Branch (p. 11)
Soak: +4
Enc: 0
Staff: Init +2, Attack +9, Defense +9, Damage +4
Staff, thorny: Init +2, Attack +9, Defense +9, Damage +8
Satyrs (p. 18)
The satyrs' Single Weapon should be Short Spear.
Enc: 0
Soak: +7
Kick: Init +1, Attack+6, Defense +6, Damage +5
Horn and Kick*: Init +1, Attack +7, Defense +7, Damage +8
Short Spear: Init +4, Attack +8, Defense +7, Damage +7
Short Spear, Thrown: Init +2, Attack +7, Defense +6, Damage +7
Sir Gilbert (p. 21)
Replace Great Weapon (Lance) with Great Weapon (Long Spear).
Soak: +11
Enc: 1 with lance, sword, and shield; 0 with sword and shield only
Lance & Heater*: Init +2, Attack +13, Defense +12, Damage +8
Long Sword & Heater*: Init +3, Attack +13, Defense +13, Damage +9
Lance (Long Spear): Init +4, Attack +10, Defense +8, Damage +10
Long Sword & Heater: Init +3, Attack +11, Defense +11, Damage +9
Long Sword only: Init +2, Attack +11, Defense +8, Damage +9
Paul (p. 22)
Paul's equipment is listed as a Chain Mail Hauberk; it should be Partial Chain Mail Armor.
Soak: +8
Enc: 2, or 1 sans shield
Long Sword & Heater: Init +1, Attack +8, Defense +9, Damage +7
Long Sword: Init +2, Attack +8, Defense +6, Damage +8
Sir Gilbert's Men (p. 22)
Replace full leather armor with full metal reinforced leather. Replace crossbows with short bows.
Soak: +5
Enc: 2
Long Spear: Init +1, Attack +9, Defense +7, Damage +8
Short Bow: Init -3, Attack +8, Defense +4, Damage +7
Adult Hrool (p. 32)
Adult Hrools have an Int of -2, not +2.
Soak: +3
Enc: 0
Bite: Init +2, Attack +6, Defense +5, Damage -1
Small rock, thrown: Init +2, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage -2
Warrior Hrool (p. 33)
Warrior Hrools only carry one weapon each, and some throwing stones, and have Single Weapon specialized in the weapon that they carry. Replace axes and javelins, which they are not strong enough to wield, with hatchets and slings.
Soak: +4
Enc: 1, or 0 when using bite or sling
Bite*: Init +3, Attack +9, Defense +8, Damage +2
Club: Init +3, Attack +9, Defense +9, Damage +2
Hatchet: Init +2, Attack +10, Defense +8, Damage +3
Short Spear: Init +4, Attack +9, Defense +8, Damage +4
Sling: Init 0, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage +3
Stone, thrown: Init +2, Attack +5, Defense +5, Damage +1
Ermine Hrool (p. 33)
Soak: +2
Enc: 0
Bite: Init +2, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage -3
Dargaud the Redcap (p. 42)
Add a (fist) specialty to Brawl.
Soak: +1
Enc: 0
Fist: Init +1, Attack +4, Defense +5, Damage -1
Kick: Init +0, Attack +3, Defense +3, Damage +1
Stone, thrown: Init +1, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +1
Paulo (p. 44)
Paulo's armor is listed as "metal reinforced armor (half)," but the correct ArM5 term is "partial metal reinforced leather armor." Change his Thrown Weapons 5 (javelin) to Bows 5 (short bow).
Soak: +4
Enc: 0
War hammer:Init +1, Attack +14, Defense +7, Damage +16
Short Bow:Init +0, Attack +11, Defense +7, Damage +10
Josephine (p. 47)
Enc: 2
Long Spear: Init +2, Attack +12, Defense +8, Damage +9
Short Sword: Init 0, Attack +11, Defense +7, Damage +6
David, Captain of the Guard (p. 48)
David's weapon in the "Combat" section is listed as "Long Sword and Kite Shield" but it should be "Long Sword and Heater Shield."
Soak: +1
Enc: 0
Long Sword & Heater: Init +2, Attack +9, Defense +9, Damage +7
Hofot, Champion Hrool (p. 49)
Soak: +3
Enc: 0
Long Sword: Init +4, Attack +11, Defense +8, Damage +8
Stone (thrown): Init +2, Attack +5, Defense +4, Damage +4
Bite: Init +2, Attack +8, Defense +6, Damage +3
Ierimyra, Magister of Beasts (p. 61)
Dodge: Init +1, Attack n/a, Defense +1, Damage n/a
Hulka, Champion Hrool (p. 63)
Soak: +1
Enc: 2, or 1 without spear
Short Spear & Heater Shield: Init +3, Attack +11, Defense +12, Damage +5
Bite & Heater Shield: Init +3, Attack +8, Defense +9, Damage +1
Pitsdim (p. 66)
Soak: +2
Enc: 0
Dodge: Init +2, Attack n/a, Defense +1, Damage n/a
Staff: Init +4, Attack +10, Defense +10, Damage +4
Crenvalus (p. 75)
Add (dodge) as a specialty to Brawl.
Soak: +0
Enc: 0
Staff: Init +4, Attack +6, Defense +9, Damage +3
Dodge: Init +2, Attack n/a, Defense +6, Damage n/a
Guardians of the Forests: The Rhine Tribunal
Luctatio (p.13): Last two paragraphs should move to the end of "Frederick Barbarossa" section.
The Partitioning of the Order (pp.15-16): The original name of the Normandy Tribunal was the "Tribunal of the West Franks" and the original name of the Provencal Tribunal was the "Lotharingian Tribunal". Remove the Iberian Tribunal from the list.
Three inserts (pgs. 16 and 18): The non-italic paragraphs should move to the end of their respective sections ("The Return of the Elder Magi," Early Conflicts," and "Protecting the Wildernesses").
Trust of Childlike Faith (p. 21): Change the Arts to PeMe and the Casting Total to +12.
Eye of the Eons (p. 21): Change the name to "Eyes of the Eons", and the level to 10.
Chaos of the Angry Waves (p. 23): Change the level to 30.
The Rank of Archmage (p.24): This section (both paragraphs) should be an insert - it is a side discussion of a non-Rhine-specific issue.
The Forest Spirits (p. 31): Add the heading "Alliance" before the final paragraph in the "Replacement" subsection ("The genius locus enters a pact...").
The Trees of Germany (p.33): Last paragraph should move to end of the "Specific Powers" section.
The Courts of the Seasons (p. 34): Reduce the range of Mights to 15-35 (20 should be reduced to 15, 30 -> 20, 35 -> 25, 40 -> 30, 50 -> 35).
Holzfrau (p. 36): Last paragraph should move to end of "Woodland Spirits" section.
Immortality of the Forest (p. 38): Change the type of the Virtue to Supernatural.
The King Fir (p. 50): Reduce the Might to 60.
The Glade of the Seven Waterfalls (p. 51): Reduce the Might to 50.
Philippus Niger (p. 59): Replace his Encumbrance with 1 (1). Chaos of the Angry Waves is level 30.
Philippus Niger's Spell List (p. 60): Replace "Shattering the Malicious Rune" with "Shattering the Malicious Thurisaz (PeVi 30)" and "Shattering the Malicious Kauno (PeVi 50)". The casting total and Mastery Ability are unchanged, and the same for both spells.
The Heathen Witch Reborn (p. 60): Replace the description with "Reverses the effects of the Shapeshifter and Skinchanger Supernatual Abilities, if the spell level +10 is greater than or equal to the Ability x 5."
Shattering the Malicious Rune (p. 60): Replace the description with "Like Unraveling the Fabric of (Form), but targeted specifically at one rune (for example, Kauno or Laguz).". Replace the name with "Shattering the Malicious (Rune)".
Flaws of the Weaponsmith (p. 60): Increase the level to 30, and replace +1 Group with +2 Group in the calculation.
Evisceration of Ten Thousand Knives (p. 60): Increase the level to 40, and replace +1 Group with +2 Group in the calculation.
Bind the Gift (p. 60): Revise the effect in The Wizard's Bridle as follows: ReVi 35; R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind (Base effect, +1 Touch, +1 Conc). This effect suppresses any spell of level 25 or lower cast by the wearer of the bridle. It has unlimited uses (+10), and the item maintains concentration (+5) until the spell expires normally. Final level: 50
The Fane of the Founders (p. 61): Reduce the Might to 40.
The Ash of Nortorf (p. 68): Reduce the Might range to 10-40.
Story Seed: The Dark Jerbiton (p. 72): Towards the end of the first paragraph, replace the phrase about his apprenticeship with "Apprenticed at a powerful covenant in the Provencal Tribunal..."
Imanitos Mendax (p. 73): Change his Dagger Attack score to +3. Rename "Disguise of the Transformed Wizard" to "Disguise of the Transformed Image", and change the Casting Total to +24. Change the level of Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived to 4.
The Teutoburger Forest (p. 77): Reduce the Might to 40.
Stentorius of House Tremere (p. 84): Change the last sentence to "Oswald believes Murion has usurped his human's rightful role as the leader of the Oak Gild."
The Apple of the Kyffhäuser (p. 85): Reduce the Might to 45.
The Linden of Neustadt (p. 88): Reduce the Might to 25.
The Harmonists and the Wilderists (p.95): Last four paragraphs should move to end of "Culture and Traditions" section.
Falke (p. 96): Change the level of Chaos of the Angry Waves to 30.
Neptune's Imprisoning Arms (p. 96): Increase the level to 30, and replace +1 Group with +2 Group in the calculation.
Appease the Queen of Winter (p. 96): Raise the level to 65, and change "+3 Boundary" to "+4 Boundary" in the calculation.
The Holm Oak of Romowe (p. 99): Reduce the Might to 35 / 20.
Ioannes Acer (p. 106): Reduce Encumbrance to 2 (3). Change the level of Piercing Shaft of Wood to 10, and the level of The Treacherous Spear to 25.
The Crintera Schism (p. 111): In the middle of the third column, at "unGifted members of Mercere and Jerbiton", delete "and Jerbiton".
The Order of Odin (p.113): Last paragraph (including all bulleted points) should move to end of "Wind, Wave, and Ice" section.
Fenistal (p.114): Last paragraph (including all bulleted points) should move to end of "The Hidden Covenant" section.
The Exsules (p. 114): Replace the reference to "Poor Reader" with "Poor Student", and the reference to "Faerie Enmity" with "Supernatural Nuisance (Faeries)".
Magi (p.115): This section (both paragraphs) should be an insert, to match the "Companions" insert on p.135.
Hilda (p. 117): Change Short bow Init to –3 and Grapple Damage to n/a.
Grogs (p.118): This section (both paragraphs) should be an insert, to match the "Companions" insert on p.135.
Byrek (p. 119): Change Fist Defense to +6. Change his Encumbrance to 3 (3), and reduce all Init values by 1.
Hildegard of Bingen (p. 121): Delete the final part of the descriptive text, so that it finishes "Hildegard also exchanged letters with several Hermetic magi."
The Corruption of the Merovingians (p. 137): Delete the reference to Hildegard of Bingen.
Appendix A: Languages and Names (p. 138): Danish is an East Norse language, not a West Norse language. Replace all occurrences of "West Norse" with "East Norse".
Chronology 865 (p. 140): The original name of the Normandy Tribunal was the "Tribunal of the West Franks" and the original name of the Provencal Tribunal was the "Lotharingian Tribunal".
Houses of Hermes: True Lineages
Reveal the Lingering Spirit (p. 14): The Base should be 5, and the final level 30.
Seeking the Unknown (p. 27): Replace the paragraph immediately after the Risk Modifier formula call-out with the following text: "Consult the Extraordinary Results Chart as normal to determine the effect on your spell. However, you may also add or subtract all or part of your Risk Modifier in order to get a Discovery in addition to the normal effect of experimentation. Thus, if you had a Risk Modifier of +3, and rolled an 8, you would get a Modified Effect. You could also subtract 1 to get a Discovery in addition. The effect of the spell is still modified. You cannot use the Risk Modifier to get a supplementary result other than a Discovery."
Stabilizing the Unknown (p. 28): In the third sentence of the second column, replace "If you gain more than 2 Warping Points" with "If you gain 2 or more Warping Points".
Exempli Gratia: Original Research (p. 30): In the third paragraph, delete the second half of the second sentence. (That is, delete "which he can reduce by 1 (his risk factor) to a 4 for 'no extraordinary effects'".)
Parma Magica Folds (p. 31): Replace "(rounding down)" in the first paragraph with "(rounding up)".
Acquiring Powers (p. 33): In the example, at the top of the third column, replace "Rego Corpus Lab Total" with "Rego Animal Lab Total".
The Magic of House Bjornaer (p. 35): In the penultimate paragraph of the page, replace "Speak with the Living Flame" with "Words of the Flickering Flame".
Scrying (p. 52): Replace "Criamon" with "Verditius" in the first paragraph.
Intellego Terram Spells (p. 74): Delete the Creo requisites from both Dream of the Mind that Sits and Dream of the Forged, and drop the levels of both spells by five (to 45 and 55, respectively).
Creo Vim Guidelines (p. 74): Delete the second guideline (Detect any active magic...)
Restore the Faded Threads (p. 74): Replace the third sentence of the description with "This spell will restore spell traces of a negative magnitude up to the magnitude of this spell -3."
Odor of Lingering Magic (p. 75): Replace the level calculation with "(Base 15, +1 Conc, +2 Smell)".
Perdo Vim Guidelines (p. 75): Replace the second guideline with "Gen: Dispel a Hermetic enchantment with a level less than the guideline level used + 1 magnitude + a stress die (no botch). The spell must be a Ritual."
Cutting the Cords (p. 75): Remove the "–5" from the calculation of what the spell can affect.
Fenicil's Rituals (p. 76): Replace "Wizard's Communion" with "Wizard's Vigil". Add the following sentence: "The Greater Rituals require a Year Duration variant of Wizard's Vigil in order to cover their casting time.".
Minstrels and Wanderers (pp. 91-93): On page 93, delete the sentence referring to "Larta magi".
Boosting (p. 97): Replace the description as follows: "By spending a pawn of vis when casting boosted spells or activating a boosted effect in an item, you may increase the Range, Duration, Target, or size of the effect by one magnitude. You can do this multiple times for the same spell. For example, boosting Range from Touch to Sight and Target from Individual to Group would cost you four pawns of vis. You may not reduce any of the parameters of the spell, nor may you exceed the limits of Formulaic magic unless the spell is already a Ritual.Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used. Mutantes picture this process as "feeding" the magic, using vis to make it grow bigger and stronger."
Adaptive Casting (p. 99): Replace as follows. "You may use your mastery score and all the special abilities associated with it whenever you cast a similar spell. If you have two or more mastery Abilities that apply to a single spell (because you have mastered two or more spells that are similar to the spell you are casting) you may only use the score of one Ability, and the special abilities taken for that mastery Ability. For example, if you have mastered Demon's Eternal Oblivion 30 with a score of 3, and the abilities Adaptive, Fast Casting, and Penetration, and Demon's Eternal Oblivion 25 with a score of 4 and the abilities Adaptive, Quiet Casting twice, and Still Casting, you are must use the score of 3 if you want to use the Penetration ability, and the score of 4 if you want to use the Still Casting ability, and you cannot use the Penetration ability with the score of 4."
Boosted Casting (p. 99): Replace the description as follows: "When casting this spell, you may use vis to increase the Range, Duration, Target, or size by one magnitude for each pawn spent. You may increase more than one aspect of the same spell. You may not reduce any of the parameters, nor exceed the limits of Formulaic magic unless the spell is already a Ritual. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used."
Boosting (p. 101): Replace the description as follows: "By spending a pawn of vis when casting boosted spells or activating a boosted effect in an item, you may increase the Range, Duration, Target, or size of the effect by one magnitude. You can do this multiple times for the same spell. For example, boosting Range from Touch to Sight and Target from Individual to Group would cost you four pawns of vis. You may not reduce any of the parameters of the spell, nor may you exceed the limits of Formulaic magic unless the spell is already a Ritual.Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used. Mutantes picture this process as "feeding" the magic, using vis to make it grow bigger and stronger."
The Transformed Folio (p. 102): Replace the spell description with the following:
The Transformed Folio
R: Touch, D: Year, T: Group, Level 45, Ritual
This changes all the pages of a book into those of a different book for the duration of the spell. You must touch both books when casting the spell, and because the spell is harnessed, you may end it at any time by concentrating. If the original book is damaged or altered, the contents of the duplicate will change to match it. Milvi occasionally use this spell to lend the same book to several different magi, or to communicate with each other over a long journey by linking a central book to a Redcap's travel journal. The spell also allows for vis boosting, so that you may copy a book using an Arcane Connection from wherever you happen to be.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +4 Year, +2 Group, +5 intricacy; Boosted, Harnessed)
The Tireless Flight (p. 102): Change the calculation information as follows: (Base 10, +1 Touch, +1 Conc; Boosted, Harnessed, Tethered)
Boosted Magic (p. 104): Replace the description with the following: "By spending a pawn of vis when casting Formulaic spells you may “boost” the Range, Duration, Target, or size of the effect by one magnitude. You can do this multiple times for the same spell. For example, boosting Range from Touch to Sight and Target from Individual to Group would cost you four pawns of vis. You may not reduce any of the parameters of the spell, nor may you exceed the limits of Formulaic magic. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the original level of the spell, but you do add one additional botch die for each pawn of vis used. This has no effect on Spontaneous or Ritual spells, though you can still use vis to boost your Penetration as normal. Note that while magi with Mutantum Magic (below) can invent spells that allow this, they cannot boost spells that were not designed to do so without taking this Virtue."
Lone Redcaps (p. 106): Add the following paragraph to the end. "This social status is compatible with any other mundane Social Status Virtue that would reasonably allow you to do your job as a Redcap, such as Merchant or Mendicant Friar."
Cataphract (p. 127): For Cavalry sword (spatha) and shield (mounted), reduce the Atk to +15 and the Def to +14. (The bonus for being mounted is capped at +3.)
Cataphract and Wili (p. 127): Replace the Wound Penalties for each ghost as follows: –1 (1–5), –3 (6–10), –5 (11–15), Incapacitated (16–20)
Moro (p. 128): Replace the Wound Penalties as follows: Infant Form: –1 (1–3), –3 (4–6), –5 (7–9), Incapacitated (10–12); Insect Form: –1 (1), –3 (2), –5, (3), Incapacitated (4)
Common White Wolves (p. 129): Replace the Wound Penalties as follows: –1 (1–6), –3 (7–12), –5 (13–18), Incapacitated (19–24)
Shadow Owls and Fire Hawks (p. 130): Replace the Wound Penalties as follows: –1 (1–2), –3 (3–4), –5 (5–6), Incapacitated (7–8)
Fire Hawks (p. 130): Replace all the references to "fire kites" with "fire hawks".
Virtues and Flaws (p. 131): In the list of Flaws in the paragraph starting "A second group of flaws...", replace "Slow Magic" with "Slow Caster".
Bone-biting (p. 136): In the first paragraph, replace "Those fighting in this style cause themselves a Body level of damage" with "Those fighting in this style cause themselves a Light Wound".
Shape and Material Bonuses (p. 139): Delete Corpus +2 from Amber. Amber gives a +3 bonus to Corpus, as specified on p. 110 of ArM5.
Venomous Velites (p. 139): Change the level to 45, and in the calculation change +1 Group to +2 Group.
The Unfaithful Favor (p. 139): Change the level to 45, the Range to Touch, and the calculation to (Base 25, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 commands in addition to transport). (The base is taken from Magi of Hermes, p. 92.)
To See As Others See (p. 139): Change the level to 40, and delete "+1 Group" from the level calculation.
To Mark with Umbrage (p. 139-140): Change the level to 30, and the calculation to "Base 1, +3 Sight, +2 Sun, +2 Group, +2 size".
Voices From Hollow Spaces (p. 140): Change the level to 25, and the Base to 5 in the calculation.
A Window of Singular Direction (p. 141): Change the Target to Part, add "+1 Part" to the calculation, and increase the level to 15. This is then not wrong as it stands, but can only affect dirt walls. Increasing the Base to 4, and the spell level to 20, creates a version that can affect stone walls, which fits the descriptive text better.
Leadworker (p. 143): Change the penultimate sentence of the final paragraph to: "They may also create a fixed Arcane Connection to someone by incorporating an Arcane Connection taken from the body of the victim into a kolossos, without spending vis or study time."
Timeline (p. 144): Change the date of the 1010 entry to 1011.
Realms of Power: The Divine
Abbas the Hunted (p. 16): Replace Susceptible to Infernal Power with Lesser Malediction. Nephilim are not allowed to have Hermetic Flaws.
Methods and Traditions (p. 46): Delete the clause beginning "to affect anyone but yourself..." from the final sentence of the paragraph on Meditation.
Powers and Effects guidelines (pp. 48-56): Wherever a guideline mentions (level - X) or (magnitude - X) for the power of an effect, replace with (level + X) or (magnitude + X). One of the more annoying possible typographical errors. This does not apply to the second, third, and fourth General guidelines for Blessing, which give bonuses capped at a maximum of +3 to either die rolls or aura tempering.
Give unto the Lord the glory... (p. 49): The Base should be 5, and the overall level 30.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil (p. 50): Replace the first sentence of the description with "This blessing bestows Magic Resistance from the Divine realm, equal to the effect's level."
Blessing Guidelines (p. 51): Replace "Give a character a bonus to aging roles equal to (the magnitude of the effect - 5)" with "Give a character a bonus to aging roles equal to the magnitude of the effect."
Cursing Guidelines (p. 61): Replace "Give a character a penalty on all die rolls equal to half (the magnitude of the effect - 3), rounded up." with "Give a character a penalty on all die rolls equal to half (the magnitude of the effect + 1), rounded up."
Transcendence Guidelines (p. 53): Level 4: Replace "(Purity)" with "(Meditation)".
Transcendence Guidelines (p. 53): Level 10: Replace "(Meditation)" with "(Purity)" for the effects to ignore wound and Fatigue penalties.
Transcendence Guidelines (p. 53): Level 30: Replace "(Meditation)" with "(Purity)" for the effect to permanently restore a mind.
Wonders Guidelines (p. 56): Add "(Invocation)" after "Create a living, docile bird, fish, lizard, or amphibian.", the second level 15 guideline.
Sentences (p. 86): Change the game statistics to "Book I is a summa on Divine Lore, Level 4, Quality 9, and the remaining three books are a single summa on Theology, Level 5, Quality 9"
Holy Music (p. 93): Change "Choristers" to "Cantores".
Senior Clergy (p. 93): This should be listed in the Virtues section, after Holy Music. The listing in the insert is correct.
Holy Tradition: The Cantores (p. 93): In the list of Favored Abilities, delete "Sense Holiness and Unholiness". Add "Enchanting Music" after "Blessing".
Guide to the Perplexed (p. 133): Change the statistic to "Summa, Theology: Judaism (Level 6, Quality 9); Summa, Philosophiae (Level 3, Quality 9).
Realms of Power: The Divine, Revised Edition
Map (p. 10): Change the Graveyard legend to say Dominion 3.
Virtues (p. 35): Add the following Virtue, between Purity and Strong Angelic Heritage. This revises the Virtue in Ars Magica Fifth Edition.
Minor, General
You own a holy relic, such as the finger bone of a saint, with a True Faith Score of one. This can be built into any other item you possess (a sword, for instance). The relic does not have any additional powers.
Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name (p. 49): Replace the level calculation with (Base 5, +4 Arc, +1 Conc, +4 ritual effect)
Divine Unity Example (p. 66): The Brave Personality Trait is not added to the Tempering total, so the total is 10, and he invokes a Brave Temper of +1.
The Fifth Ring of Solomon (p. 100): Replace the paragraph immediately before the formula with "This power works on beings or creatures that either belong to a realm or are aligned to a realm. To determine to which realm a creature is attached, roll as described below. You do not need to Penetrate Magic Resistance."
Flaws (p. 135): Replace the introductory paragraph with "Non-magi Jewish characters typically take a form of the Outsider Flaw, either the existing Major Flaw for companions, or the new Minor version for grogs. These Outsider Flaws are compatible with other Jewish Social Status Virtues and Flaws, but not with the Hermetic Magus Social Status Virtue."
Outsider (p. 136): Replace the second paragraph with "This Flaw is usually only appropriate for grogs; companions should take the Major Flaw instead."
Dream Interpretation (p. 137): In the second paragraph, replace the second sentence with "The first is a form of Meditation, as per the Holy Method, used in combination with Holy Powers."
The Mysteries, Revised Edition
Chapter Four (p. 25): Should be "Chapter Four", not "Chapter Number".
Elements Form Opposed Pairs (p. 51): This paragraph should be an insert. The following paragraph is about seasonal enchantments.
Duplicate the Mechanism: Change the level of the spell to 25, and the Target to Ind. A woven piece of cloth is not a Group Target, so neither is an armillary sphere.
Craft the Mechanism (p. 52): Drop the level to 20, delete the (In) requisite from the spell description, and change the Target to Ind.
Degree of Mercury (p. 55): Last line, replace "Major Magical Focus" with "Minor Magical Focus". A Magical Focus in a House is Minor.
Divination Bonuses (p. 62): Delete "or Casual" from the introductory sentence.
Ceremonial Bonus (p. 62): Add "see the Ceremonial Augury Phenomena table on page 61." to the final sentence.
Hermetic Numerology (p. 62): Should be part of the preceding paragraph, not a separate bullet point.
Note that the caster... (p. 62): Should be part of the preceding paragraph, not a separate bullet point.
Empowering Prison of the Declining Spirit (p. 66): In the second column, first full paragraph, it should read "the current Might Score of the bound spirit must equal or exceed half the level of the Ritual effect to be powered".
The Great or Consummate Talisman (p. 70): Replace the contents of the insert with the following text:
Blending with Substance allows the magus to incorporate additional items into his talisman, as the Minor Virtue Great Talisman does for separate talismans. However, Inscription on the Soul does not allow the magus to attune new bonuses without working specifically on the talisman.
If a magus wishes to Initiate Consummate Talisman, then the magus can accept the required Ordeal.
Invocation Magic and Names of Power (p. 77): Add the following to the final paragraph: "although the combined bonus is still limited by Magic Theory."
Consummate Talisman and Names of Power (p. 78): Add the following to the final paragraph: "although the combined bonus is still limited by Magic Theory."
Structure of the Volshebnii Mechtateli (p. 113): In the final paragraph of the main text, add "Minor" before "Virtues Potent Magic (dream) or Magical Focus (dream)".
The Structure of the Philosophers of Rome (p. 124): In the second paragraph, replace "True Naming" with "Hermetic Synthemata", and "Hermetic Evocation" with "Spell Binding".
Example Initiation Script for Disciples (p. 130): In the second paragraph, replace "Hermetic Evocation" with "Spell Binding".
Adaptive Casting (p. 117): Replace as follows. "You may use your mastery score and all the special abilities associated with it whenever you cast a similar spell. If you have two or more mastery Abilities that apply to a single spell (because you have mastered two or more spells that are similar to the spell you are casting) you may only use the score of one Ability, and the special abilities taken for that mastery Ability. For example, if you have mastered Demon's Eternal Oblivion 30 with a score of 3, and the abilities Adaptive, Fast Casting, and Penetration, and Demon's Eternal Oblivion 25 with a score of 4 and the abilities Adaptive, Quiet Casting twice, and Still Casting, you are must use the score of 3 if you want to use the Penetration ability, and the score of 4 if you want to use the Still Casting ability, and you cannot use the Penetration ability with the score of 4."
Hermetic Sacrifice (p. 117): Replace "True Names" with "Hermetic Synthemata" in the final paragraph.
Page (p. 132): Replace the final sentence with "The third Virtue taught is Puissant Art of Memory, and Initiates are also taught that Ability."
Knight (p. 132): Replace "Hermetic True Names" with "Hermetic Synthemata".
Immortal Beings and Permanent Change (p. 133): Add the following sentence after the first sentence of the second paragraph: "A maga who becomes immortal in one of these ways is no longer limited by her highest Technique and Form in the number of spaces she can open in her talisman; rather, she can open as many as she spends time and vis for."
Chnoubis the Serpent (p. 138): Replace the Wound Penalties with "-1 (1-4), -3 (5-8), -5 (9-12), Banished (13+)
Customized Covenant Creation Summary (p. 5): Replace the second bullet point under "Laboratories" with "Non-standard lab: 50 plus Size x 20; Major Virtue: 20; Minor Virtue: 10; Major Flaw: -20, Minor Flaw: -10; No laboratory can cost fewer than 0 points."
Autocephalous (p. 20): Delete the final sentence. There is no Isolated Boon.
Mundane Lord (p. 26): Under Hooks, change "Rights" to "Rights and Customs".
Summertime (p. 26): Drop "Criminals" from the Free Choices, as it is actually a Minor Boon.
Boons, Hooks, and Governance Styles Insert (p. 31): This did not get laid out as a table. The lower part of the insert should look like this:
Governance | Boons | Free | Hooks |
Anarchy | Ungoverned | — | Divided Loyalty, Fractured Council |
Autocracy | — | Autocracy, Gerontocracy | Superiors, Vis Salary |
Bureaucracy | Literate Convenfolk | Guild, Center of Excellence | |
Democracy | Vis Grant | Democracy | Fractured Council, Suffrage |
Hierarchy | Hidden Resources | Faux Feudalism, Theocracy | Superiors, Vis Salary |
Farming Peasant (p. 45): In Abilities, delete Climb (no such Ability), rename Craft: Farmer to Profession: Farmer, and increase Folk Ken to 3.
Minstrel (p. 46): The wound ranges given are wrong, as he has Size -1. Change them to -1 (1-4), -3 (5-8), -5 (9-12), Incapacitated (13+)
Glass-blower (p. 47): In the final paragraph, replace "Privileged Background" with "Privileged Upbringing".
Baker (p. 48): Change Soak to 0.
The Enchanted Chef (p. 52): Delete the final sentence of the second paragraph. ("The user may substitute Communication + Craft: Cook for Communication + Finesse if he possesses that skill.")
The Death of Vermin (p. 52): Add "R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Group" under the Penetration line.
Burglar (p. 55): Under Abilities, delete Climb, raise Athletics to 5 and change its specialty to climbing, and add Guile 1 (excuses).
The Riches that are Rightfully Mine(d) (p. 61): Replace the T: Ind with T: Group (for multiple coins). Replace the first sentence with the following: "This spell fills a large chest or other sturdy container with silver pennies equal to about 650 Mythic Pounds.". In the description, replace "it would take 100 years" with "it would take more than 30 years". Finally, replace the level calculation with "(Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +1 complexity)".
Summary of Quality Rules (Insert) (p. 88): Delete '+3 for non-magical subjects' from both the summa and tractatus extended formulae. Delete the whole final paragraph about that bonus. In the extended Maximum Tractatus Quality formula, add '+3' after 'Author's Communication'.
Summary of Quality Rules (p. 88): Under Extended Rules, in the third paragraph (beginning "The quality bonus"), delete "2 x". The total quality may not exceed twice that value; the bonus may not exceed the value.
Florilegia (p. 90): Replace the first sentence with "Florilegia (singular florilegium) are anthologies on a topic created by binding together tractatus on a single topic."
Glosses (p. 91): Add the following sentence at the end of the entry: "As with florilegia, glosses express resonance, and cannot be combined with resonant materials or clarification."
The Scribe's Touch (p. 96): Change the Arts to ReAn.
The First Furrow Guides the Second (p. 97): Replace the final clause of the penultimate sentence with "allowing an unskilled magus to avoid the three extra botch dice for scribing without Profession: Scribe".
Binding the Mundane Codex (p. 97): Reduce the level to 4, and remove "+1 size" from the calculation.
Binding the Hermetic Codex (p. 97): In the first sentence of the description, change "ritual" to "spell". Reduce the level to 15, remove "+1 size" from the calculation. In the level calculation add "+3 complexity."
Books That Scream in Pain (p. 100): Replace T: Ind with T: Room. The level calculation is correct.
The Demand of the Frustrated Scholar Soothed (p. 100): Change "feet" to "paces" in the level calculation.
The Weightless Transportation of Books (p. 100): Change the level to 30, and the Base level to 5.
Realia (p. 102): A realia collection with a quality of 6 requires 32 objects, not 64.
Ring and Circle Ward Examples (p. 104): Change the level of Ward Against the Curious Scullion to 30, and replace the calculation with (Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Ring). Change the level of Ward Against Mundane Intrusions to 50, and change the level calculation to read "(As Ward Against the Curious Scullion, +4 requisites)".
Laboratory & Sanctum (p. 105): The key should read 22: Ingredients, 23: Refuse Tip.
Non-Standard Laboratory Routines (p. 108): An illustration occludes a small section of text on page 108.
The relevant portion of the first paragraph reads:
"If a magus decides to work non-standard hours, choose one (or more) of the following routines each season. He may combine multiple routines..."
and the relevant portion of the second paragraph reads:
"A maga may also choose to work fewer than the standard ten hours per day. There are no special routines for this - for each hour fewer, she simply loses 10% of her Lab Total or Advancement Total for the season."
Highly Organized (p. 116): Replace the third sentence with "A season of such work (with the normal chances of changes to laboratory Virtues and Flaws) may still be undertaken, even if no improvement to Refinement is possible."
Ice Cavern (p. 118): Replace the possible Terram Specialization with Aquam.
Minor Supernatural Flaws (p. 119): The first "Minor Supernatural Flaws" heading, in the left column, should read "Free Supernatural Flaws".
The Ambulatory Laboratory (p. 122): Increase the base level to 25, and the spell level to 50. The guidelines for this effect were defined in Magi of Hermes, p. 92.
Houses of Hermes: Mystery Cults
Statistics of Shapechangers (p. 23): Change Per –1 to Per +1 in the statistics for Ulf in Heartbeast form.
The Mystery of the Epitome (p. 30): The last sentence of the example should read "This means that his outer heartbeast finishes with a Perception of +5."
Common Virtues & Flaws (p. 37): Delete "Bad Reputation" and its note. The Flaw does not exist in ArM5.
Heartbeast (p. 38): Drop "Initiation" from the example Specialties. Initiation is based on House Bjornaer Lore.
Size Examples (p. 39): Correct the second sentence to read "A 1-point difference in Size doubles the weight, 2 points multiplies it by five, and a 3-point increase in Size entails a ten-fold increase in mass.".
Size Examples (p. 39): Change the sentence about birds to read "Birds are two Size points bigger than their weight would suggest, accounting for their larger overall dimension; if you need to know the weight of a bird, subtract two from the Size before calculation."
Animal Creation Example (p. 43): Add "Fast Runner" to the list of Qualities the storyguide picks (in the second paragraph).
Perfect Transmission Site Example (p. 52): Delete "with no possibility of experimentation" from the fourth sentence. It is not possible to experiment when studying from vis in any case.
The Avenue of Befriending the Silent and the Station that Charms the Elements (p. 67): Change to "Target Level 18, as Major Virtue 21 (speak to elementally-pure objects), -3 third Initiation since a Major Ordeal".
The Avenue that Splinters and the Station of Blood and Bronze (p. 68): Change "Attack Bonus" to "Attack Total" in the final paragraph.
Faerie-Raised Magic (p. 86): Revise the final sentence of the first paragraph to read "You may spend experience points from Exposure, Adventure, and Practice on spells you could normally invent that mimic faerie powers or other supernatural effects your character has observed that season".
Inoffensive to (Beings) (p. 86): Change the category to "Minor, General or Hermetic".
Transforming the Mind (p. 93): Delete "though she can still master the spells she has learned" from the penultimate sentence.
Vim (p. 95): Add the following sentences immediately before the last sentence of the paragraph. "Muto Vim animae spells turn existing spells into faeries. Unlike standard Hermetic MuVi spells, they do not modify a spell as it is being cast."
Nature Lore (Minor Outer Mystery) (p. 103): Change the last sentence of the first paragraph to read as follows. "Merinita's interest was reputedly Forests, and thus that is the most common version. Forest Lore, as described in Guardians of the Forests: The Rhine Tribunal, is a closely related ability, but is not Supernatural, and thus does not require Initiation."
Reforging Enchanted Items (Minor House Mystery) (p. 125): In the first paragraph of the second column, replace "higher than" with "equal to or higher than".
Repairing Enchanted Items (p. 125): In the penultimate paragraph of the page, replace "higher than" with "equal to or higher than".
Elder Runes Example (p. 128): Opening the wand for enchantment costs 2 pawns of Vim vis, not Terram. It takes one pawn of Rego vis, not Terram vis, to inscribe the Ice rune, and the enchantment costs 4 pawns of Terram vis (final level 40). Thus, it takes a total of seven pawns, so Hephaestion charges 14 pawns, plus the seven used in enchantment, for a grand total of 21 pawns.
Automaton Example (p. 132): Towards the bottom of the first column, replace "Eleven pawns of Terram vis are needed to open the magpie for enchantment." with "Eleven pawns of Vim vis are needed to open the magpie for enchantment.".
Expanded Form and Material Bonuses (p. 137): Change the title to "Expanded Shape and Material Bonuses".
Expanded Form and Material Bonuses (p. 137): Delete "Hickory" under "Trees". Hickory is not a European tree.
Expanded Form and Material Bonuses (p. 137): Delete "Alexandrite" under "Minerals". It wasn't discovered until 1830, and thus arguably does not exist in Mythic Europe.
Realms of Power: The Infernal
Vis Prava (p. 19): Change the penultimate sentence of the final paragraph as follows. "In the hands of a wizard aligned to the Infernal realm, vis prava offers a +5 bonus to Casting Totals per pawn employed, and has none of the special disadvantages described earlier."
Demonic Blood (p. 84): In the full paragraph in the middle column, replace the second sentence with the following. "She has the close attention of Hell, and thus should offset this Virtue with a Story Flaw to reflect that attention, such as Tragic Life."
Example: Richard of Glastonbury (p. 103): He does not receive five extra botch dice for the aura, because it is of the same type as his powers (both are Infernal).
Incantation/Effusion Guidelines (p. 108): Delete "Control a substance in a very unnatural fashion" from the level 10 guidelines. It appears (correctly) at level 4.
Therefore shall all her plagues come in one day (p. 109): The level should be 40.
Early Punishment for the Sinful Witch (p. 122): Change to Pe(Mu)Vi(Ig). Change the effect level description to "…has a level equal to or lower than half this spell's…"
Lash of the Chastened Spirit (p. 122): Should be PeVi 5, not PeVi 15.
Cthonic Magic (p. 123): Delete the parenthetical "(and which Technique and Form)" in the first paragraph on page 124.
Releganta of Flambeau (p. 125): Change Lecherous to be a Major Flaw.
Releganta of Flambeau (p. 125): In Arts, change Pe 6 (+2) to Pe 6 (+3) and Me 6 (+2) to Me 6 (+3).
City and Guild
Money and Investment (p. 40): Replace the first paragraph of the third column with "This means that 9 Labour Points are worth:"
Guild Apprentices (p. 44): In the final paragraph, about training, replace the sentence "An apprentice thus finishes his apprenticeship with a score of 5 in his Craft Ability." with "The Practice and Training apply to the apprentice's Craft Ability, so that he finishes with a score of 5 (and 9 extra experience points)."
Superior Items (p. 69): After the second sentence of the paragraph, add the following sentence. "Only one bonus from a superior or excellent quality item applies to a single total or roll, no matter how many such items are used." In the antepenultimate sentence of the section, replace "rolls" with "rolls or totals".
Excellent Quality Items (p. 69-70): Before the sentence before the formula, add the following sentence. "As with superior items, only one bonus from a superior or excellent item applies to a single roll or total." On page 70, replace "rolls to make a book" with "totals to make a book".
Wondrous Items (p. 70): Delete "for every two points he has in his Leadership score" from the sentence saying how many helpers the craftsman may have.
Wondrous Items (p. 71): Delete "since wondrous items can only affect themselves or the bearer of the item" at the top of the final column of main text.
Shoes of the Zephyr (p. 72): Change the Craft Level to 19, the Magnitude to 7, and delete the +1 size requirement.
The Key of Theodorus (p. 78): Change the level to 5, and the analysis to (Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +2 for metal).
Adding Places to the Land Trade Map and Naval Trade Tables (p. 89): In the first column of text on page 89, replace "Divide it by six for river travel with the current, or eight for travel against the current." with "Divide it by eight for river travel with the current, or six for travel against the current."
Calculating Dowries for Merchants' Daughters (p. 113):
The first and third entries are the wrong way round. Change them to read as follows:
is marrying a groom from a wealthier family.
is not a virgin.
Weights and Measures (p. 140): Two digits got transposed. In the second sentence, change to "1/2,240 of a ton". In the summary at the bottom, change the first block to "16 ounces = 1 pound = 1/2,240 ton".
Ancient Magic
The Ob of Mot (p. 32): The calculation should say +2 Group; the final level is still correct.
Links of Stone (p. 36): The level should be 20, and the calculation should say "Base 4, +4 Arc".
Potion of Creation (p. 56): In the description, change to "if a stress roll plus her Stamina succeeds against an Ease Factor of 9." Increase level to 30, Range to Touch, and note "+1 Touch" in the calculation parenthesis.
Araquiel's Legacy (p. 67): Replace "Herbam" with "Terram".
Mechanica Creation Level (p. 77): Replace the formula with "Mechanica Creation Level: (3 x Magnitude of Imbued Effect) + modifiers"
Fire Quencher (p. 81): The creation level should be 9.
Aeolipile (p. 81): The creation level should be 21.
Thunder Maker (p. 81): The creation level should be 12
Stellar Magic by Spell Casting (p. 91): Delete the final sentence ("The following spell is only...") from the first paragraph. The spell is not a Mystery spell.
A Comparison of the Positions of the Fixed Stars (p. 91): Drop the range to Touch and the level to 15. There is no need for Sight Range. In the penultimate sentence, replace "500 paces" with "1000 paces".
Apollo's Luminescent Blessing (p. 110): Add "+3 uses/day" to the calculation. The final level is still correct.
Demeter's Blessing (p. 111): Change the calculation to (Base 1, +1 Touch, +4 Year, +4 Bound, +1 Size [for a total of +4 Size]). The final level is still correct.
Opening the Hidden Eyes (p. 111): Change the calculation and levels as follows. (Base 5, +1 Conc, +4 Vision, +2 extra detail); Ease Factor: 14; Level Cost: 40
Hermetic Rune Magic (pp. 139-140): In the middle of the central column on page 140, after the mention of Opening the Intangible Tunnel, add the following sentence. "The Intangible Tunnel has the same level as the runic effect."
Houses of Hermes: Societates
History (p. 6): Replace "Frankish King Charles Martel" with "Frankish lord Charles Martel"
Mithraic Characters (p. 17): Move "Cabal Legacy" from Virtues to Flaws.
Shackles of the Frozen Ice (p. 35): Raise level to 20, add +2 Voice to the level calculation immediately after "Base 3".
Test of the Flames (p. 36): Change T:Circle to T:Ind.
Last Flight of the Phoenix (p. 37): Change R: Per to R: Touch, change the damage to +40, and the calculation to (Base 35, +1 Touch, +2 size). Remove the sentence "Since its Range is Personal, it bypasses the caster's own Magic Resistance.".
Silvery Scales of the Knight (p. 37): Delete the final sentence, beginning "An Intelligence + Finesse roll…"
Mystical Choreography (p. 56): Replace the last sentence of the middle column with "If the character has a prepared space, no matter how temporary, this falls to one minute per magnitude".
Ceremonial Magic (p. 59): Change the sentence before the list of bonuses at the top of the right-hand column to "Bonuses to Casting Score for casting with ceremonial props, by prop size, are:"
Crafting Items Using Rego Magic (p. 61): Change the introductory text to say "at Personal Range" rather than "at Touch Range".
States of Consciousness (p. 67): The last bullet point should be headed "Unconscious".
Accelerated Abilities (p. 104): Replace the first sentence by "This chapter describes some Supernatural Abilities that use the Art experience scale rather than the Ability experience scale, and are not limited in level at character creation."
Beast Masters (p. 108): Delete Feral Upbringing from the list of required Flaws, and the half sentence "but additionally have the flaw of Feral Upbringing".
Root-Cutter (p. 126): Root-Cutter is not an Ability, so there shouldn’t be any specialties listed. Those specialties could be included among the examples above for Mythic Herbalism, and one already is.
New Spell Guideline (p. 129): Replace with "Sustain or suppress a spell or spells of a specific type cast by another with level less than the level + 2 magnitudes of the Vim spell. Examples of specifics types include Hermetic Terram magic and Shamanic spirit control magic. This guideline may be used to target the spell itself or the caster of the spells."
Major Supernatural Virtue: Craft Magic (pp. 131-132): In the last example on page 131, replace "and he spends a Confidence Point to give him the final +3 increase" with "and he rolls a 3". On the first line of the main text on page 132, add "or Supernatural Ability roll total" after "Casting Total". Replace the last sentence of the example with "He must roll, and the total determines how strong the fear is. Unless he botches, however, the item will function for anyone who plays it, as an Ease Factor of 9 is sufficient to inspire fear".
The Lion and the Lily: The Normandy Tribunal
Credits (p. 2): Credit for the cover illustration and partial credit for the interior artwork should be given to Grey Thornberry, not Timothy Ferguson.
The Blood of Merovech (p. 8): Delete both references to inserts; the information is in the main text.
Romance and Rebellion (p. 11): Replace "Louis IV" with "Louis VI".
Hermetic History and Culture, initial text (p.14): Remove the Iberian Tribunal from the list of Tribunals.
Tribunal map (p. 15): The city of Harfleur should be added, at the mouth of the Seine. A corrected map is available.
Books Held in Common (p. 23): Replace the statistics for some of the books as follows:
The Babble within Thought, by Hicuccus of Criamon, Summa on Mentem, Level 12, Quality 11. Build Points: 23
De Lapii, by Jeremias filius Guernicus. Summa on Terram, Level 17, Quality 14 (this is one of the Branches of the Arts, see Covenants, page 93) Build Points: 31
Mirrors of the Soul by Perpauca Bonisagi, Summa on Imaginem, Level 12, Quality 16. Build Points: 28
The Primal Power, by Peter of Uist. Summa on Aquam, Level 9, Quality 17. Build Points: 26
Research Notes on Aegis of the Hearth: Revise to "Tractatus on Mastery in Aegis of the Hearth 20, Quality 11".
1103 (p. 26): The 34th Tribunal meeting should be in 1102.
Normandy map (p. 51): The city of Harfleur should be added, at the mouth of the Seine between Havre and Dragon's Rest. The town of Honfleur should be added opposite Harfleur, on the south side of the estuary. A corrected map is available.
Baudouin (p. 78): Change "Profession: Carpenter" to "Craft: Carpenter", and move it to between Concentration and French in the Ability list.
Story Seed: Through the Looking Glass (p. 91): Complete the last sentence as "The player characters may be members of a covenant that Lapis Crudus claims as a vassal."
Flanders and Picardy map (p. 94): Add the town of Mesen (Messines) between Lille and Ypres. A corrected map is available.
Chronology 865 (p. 141): The original name of the Provencal Tribunal was the "Lotharingian Tribunal".
1103 (p. 142): The 34th Tribunal meeting should be in 1102.
Art & Academe
The Human Mind (p. 31): In the last paragraph of the first column, delete "and demons" from the second sentence.
Magical Assistance to Disease Recovery Rolls (p. 56): Delete "at the same levels as Wound Recovery rolls. Different spells are required for providing magical aid to Disease Recovery rolls and Wound Recovery rolls, for the healing process works in a different manner."
Medical Magic (p. 57): Delete the first paragraph.
The Apothecary's Store (p. 65): In the second bullet point, every medicinal theriac or alchemical reagent should cost one Labor Point per five points (or fraction) of the Ease Factor.
Brew the Healing Tonic (p. 70): The Ease Factor to reproduce the Mustard Plaster is 14 (9+5), not 16.
Astrological Inceptions (p. 72): The formula for calculating a nativity horoscope should be Int + Artes Liberales + a die roll.
Smoke Oil (p. 76): The third line should read "Alteration: Minor".
Pieces of Art as Advancement Sources (p. 126): Change "Art Advancement Total" to "Source Quality". Add the following sentence at the end of the second paragraph. "It takes one season to study a single work of art, and each work of art may only be studied once, like a tractatus."
Euclid's Elementa (p. 136): Increase the Quality to 14* (Quality 15 in Greek).
Justinian (p. 137): The subject of both the Digest and the Institutiones is Civil and Canon Law (Civil Law).
Gratian (p. 138): The subject of the Decretum is Civil and Canon Law (Canon Law).
Realms of Power: Magic
Second Round Playtesters (p. 2): The second lot of second round playtesters were actually third round playtesters.
Tethers (p. 8): In the second column, delete "which is at least half as strong as it" from the sentence about preternatural tethers, and in the third column delete "at least half as strong" from the Preternatural Aura Score formula.
New Creo Vim Guideline (p. 14): Replace with: Potentially strengthen a Magic aura; roll on the Aura Strengthening Table with a modifier equal to magnitude of the base effect; a modifier of 0 is calculated as a base 4 effect (Ritual).
New Perdo Vim Guideline (p. 14): Potentially weaken a Magic aura; roll on the Aura Weakening Table with a modifier equal to magnitude of the base effect; a modifier of 0 is calculated as a base 4 effect (Ritual).
Advancement (p. 26): Right at the end of the section, the reference should be to Chapter 4: Magical Creatures.
Magic Things (p. 33): At the top of the first column on page 33, replace "Limited Voice" with "Limited Speech".
Aeolus, Magical Horse (p. 35): The cost of the Power From Nag to Chargershould be 1 point.
Enliven the Gross (Elemental Form) (p. 38): The calculation should say "Ritual Power x2 (30 levels, -2 Might cost, +2 Init)
Guide (p. 39): Delete the sentence "Each time this power is used, it can subtly influence the actions of a single person for a day."
Healing (p. 39): Change the statistics line to "3 points, Init equal to (Qik - 9), Animal or Corpus", and the details of the calculation to "Ritual Power x 2 (30 levels, -3 Might cost, +1 Init)".
Magic Spirit (p. 45): Replace the reference to "Gentle Magical Air" with "Gentle Air".
New Flaws (p. 49): Delete "Tainted by Magic".
(Form) Resistance (p. 51): Change the final sentence of the second paragraph to read "For example, you may add your score in Vim Resistance to your Soak total against damage inflicted by your own magical powers."
Advancement (p. 51-2): In the penultimate paragraph, change "If the same character consumed 4 pawns, it would have 7 experience points to spend." to "If the same character consumed 4 pawns, it would have 13 experience points to spend."
Advancement (p. 51-2): On page 52, add the following sentence at the end of the first section, immediately before the Transformation header. "Finally, as stated in ArM5 (page 105), magic creatures bound as familiars to Hermetic magi learn in the same way as humans, and retain those Abilities if the familiar bond is broken."
Effects (p. 53-54): On page 54, immediately before the table, replace the latter half of the sentence with: "and a level 30 effect cast by a character without a Might Score will protect a magic character if it is constantly active for two out of every four seasons."
Concept (p. 55): In the second sentence of the second paragraph, replace "(as either a Minor or Major Magical Quality)" with "(as either a Minor or Major Virtue)".
Concept (p. 55): Immediately before the "Common Virtues and Flaws include:" text, replace "Magical Creature Social Status Flaw" with "Magical Monster Social Status Flaw".
Concept (p. 55): Delete "Tireless*" from the list of Common Virtues and Flaws.
Designing Beasts of Virtue (p. 55): Towards the end of the first full paragraph in the last column, delete "nor do they have a Monstrous Appearance (See Chapter 4: Characters, New and Modified Flaws)."
Black Boar of the Bog (p. 56): Change the ranges for the wound penalties to 1-7, 8-14, 15-21, 22-28, and 29+.
Black Boar of the Bog (p. 56): In the Protect the Herd power, change the cost to 5 points and the Range to Touch. Revise the calculation to MuAn 50 (Base 25, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group).
Great Stallion of the Camargue (p. 59): Change Soak to +3.
Pentele (p. 60): Delete the Age: 12 line.
Crow (p. 62): Change the Wound Penalties to -1 (1), -3 (2), -5 (3), Incapacitated (4), Dead (5+)
Salamander of Virtue (p. 62): Add "Season: Spring" on a new line after "Size: -8"
Wise Owl of the Forest (p. 65): Magic Qualities and Inferiorities, replace "Keen Eyes" with "Keen Vision".
Cat Character Template (p. 70): Cats may only have 10 points of Qualities; they get a +3 bonus to their Might from small Size, but this does not increase the number of Qualities available.
Cats' Greater or Lesser Magical Powers (pp. 71-73): Delete the Init score from every power. Delete the first bullet point in the preliminary material, about the Initiative bonus. Add a final paragraph to the preliminary material, before "Aura of Rightful Authority", as follows: "The Initiative Bonus for a Lesser Power is equal to the cat's Quickness - (Magnitude x 2). For a Greater Power, the Initiative Bonus is equal to the cat's Quickness - (Magnitude/2).
Tortoiseshell Lineage (pp. 70–71): Change both references to "Transvestite" to "Gender Nonconforming".
Blackberry Cat (p. 71): Increase the cost to 5 points, and change the calculation to (25 spell levels: Base 10, +1 Eye, +2 Group). Also, the page reference to ArM5 should be to page 151.
Inconspicuousness (p. 73): Change the calculation to (10 spell levels: Base 4, +2 Sun)
Character Guide: A Scitalis (p. 74): Change the calculation for the Venom power to "CrAq 30 (Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 continuous effect)".
Dragons as Characters (p. 74): In Suggested Flaws, replace Magical Bane with Baneful Circumstances.
Polymathes (p. 76): Add "Improved Characteristics (x35)" in Virtues and Flaws, between Educated and Puissant Brawl. At the end of Magical Qualities and Inferiorites add "; Reduced Might (x18)".
Character Guide: A Lindwurm (p. 78): In Magical Qualities and Inferiorities, replace "Improved Might" with "Improved Powers".
Rok, The Storm Giant (p. 87): Change the specialisation of Single Weapon to (axe).
Rok, The Storm Giant (p. 87): In the Power Master of Fierce Winds, change "Rego" to "Creo".
Spirit Votaries (p. 88): The Pagan Flaw was omitted from Chapter 4: Characters. It can be found in Houses of Hermes: True Lineages, page 109.
Lise (p. 89): In the first footnote to Virtues and Flaws, replace "Wilderness Lore" with "Wilderness Sense".
Magic Kin (p. 89): Delete "one from each Form" from the first sentence of the second paragraph.
Atlantean Stats (p. 90): Add the following note after Surface Form: "(a version of Skinchanger)".
Men Born to Atlanteans (p. 90): Replace "Minor Supernatural Virtue: Blood of Atlantis" with "Minor Supernatural Virtue: Magical Blood".
Let the Bonfire Burn (p. 91): In the initial description, replace "(+10 Might)" with "(+20 Penetration)". Change the calculation to "CrIg 20 (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 size): Greater Power (20 levels, -2 Might cost, +20 Penetration)".
Forgotten Gods (p. 91): In the final paragraph of the description, change "Greater Power" to "Greater Power or Focus Power".
Loamwalker Stats: Inherited Virtues (p. 92): Walk Among the Ancients is a Greater Power, not a Ritual.
Loamwalker Stats: Walk Among the Ancients (p. 92): Cost is 1 point, not 0 points.
Loamwalker Stats (p. 92): Replace the reference to Magical Bane with Baneful Circumstances.
Stoneskinned (p. 95): Change the Lesser Malediction to Greater Malediction. The content is unchanged.
Character Guide: Revenant, Corpse-Like Form (p. 98): In the Rise from the Grave power, the calculation is wrong. It should be ReTe 5, and thus only uses 5 levels of Greater Power.
Eidolon (p. 102): Replace the cost calculation as follows: Greater Power (15 levels, +2 Init, -2 Might cost; 15 levels surplus)
Presence (p. 103): In the calculation, change InIm 35 to InIm 30, and Greater Power (35 levels, -3 Might) to Greater Power (30 levels, -3 Might; 5 levels surplus).
Eidolons (p. 106): In Typical Powers, replace Possession with Control Human.
Lugra (p. 107): In Typical Powers, replace Possession with Control Human.
Presence Power (p. 112): The Form should be Imaginem, not Mentem.
Healing Power (p. 115): This is (Ritual Power x2).
Sir Giles, A Ghostly Knight (p. 117): Change the speciality on Single Weapon to (heater shield). Replace his combat statistics as follows:
Lance & heater, mounted: Init +2, Attack +15, Defense +14, Damage +7
Lance, dismounted: Init +3, Attack +9, Defense +7, Damage +9
Long sword & heater, mounted: Init +2, Attack +15, Defense +15, Damage +8
Long sword & heater: Init +2, Attack +12, Defense +12, Damage +8
Long sword only: Init +2, Attack +12, Defense +9, Damage +8
Rosemary Sprig of Rego Vis (p. 121): Replace the level with ReHe 56. It protects against creatures with a Might of 10 or less, and has a Penetration of 11. The calculation should be (Base 10, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +3 Structure, +11 levels Penetration).
Character Guide: A Mandrake Root of Virtue (p. 130): Replace the Fatigue Levels with n/a.
Amiculum, Magical Cloak (p. 130): Replace the Fatigue Levels with n/a.
Chill Touch (p. 137): Change the first line to "1 point, Init equal to (Qik + 4), Ignem".
Character Guide: An Air Elemental (p. 138): Change Soak to +0.
Character Guide: An Air Elemental (p. 138): In the Charge of the Angry Winds power, drop Init to +5, and replace the Greater Power breakdown with "Greater Power (15 levels, -1 Might cost, +3 Init, +15 experience points in Penetration).
Jupiter's Touch (p. 138): Reduce the cost to 1 point, and change Init to (Qik-1). In the character guide, reduce the cost and increase the Init to +3.
Boar, Wild (p. 141): Replace Fatigue levels with OK, 0/0, 0/0, -2/-2, -4, Unconscious
Falcon (p. 142): Change Com to –2.
Lion (Leo) (p. 143): Increase Cun to +2.
Hedge Magic, Revised Edition
Accelerated Abilities (p. 9): Replace the second sentence by "They advance the same way as Arts, costing one experience point for a score of 1, and are not limited in level at character creation, but are otherwise treated as Abilities in all respects."
Elemental Warping (p. 21): Change the second example (at the bottom of the middle column) to read "For example, if the elementalist in the above example were to contract a phlegmatic disease like flux, he would subtract 2 from his recovery rolls for his Phlegmatic Trait, but add 3 for his Choleric Trait, giving him a total bonus of +1.".
Writings of Ibn Sina (p. 32): Remove the (10 in Arabic) note from the statistics of the Canon of Medicine.
Short-Ranged Curses (p. 35): In the penultimate sentence, replace "Minor Supernatural Virtue Cursing" with "Major Supernatural Virtue Cursing".
Flexible Gruagach Magic (p. 57): Change the description as follows: "The gruachach’s Formulaic spells are more versatile than most. Instead of being able to vary the Range, Duration, Target, or size of a known spell by 2 magnitudes, the gruagach is able to vary the spell by 3 magnitudes."
Inflexible Magic (p. 58): Change the description as follows: "The gruagach’s Formulaic spells are not as versatile as most. Instead of being able to vary the Range, Duration, Target, or size of a known spell by 2 magnitudes, the gruagach is only able to vary his spells by 1 magnitude."
Give (p. 59): Delete "to others" from the end of the first sentence. Only Give Blessing is limited to others.
Gruagach Spells (p. 59): Revise the final paragraph of the section as follows: "Gruagachan are able to vary the effects of their Formulaic magic to a certain extent. They may cast any of their known spells with a different Range, Duration, Target, or size. They may only vary one parameter in a single casting. The final spell must be within 2 magnitudes of the original spell and the new Range, Duration, Target, or size must be one that is available to the character. Casting success, Fatigue loss, and Penetration are all calculated based on the casting level of the final spell. This works the same as the Hermetic Virtue Flexible Formulaic Magic, but allows the gruagach to alter 2 magnitudes of spells."
Flexible Casting (p. 59): Revise the description as follows: "For every full five points in the gruagach's Mastery Score, add one to the number of magnitudes by which he can vary the Range, Duration, Target, or size of a known Formulaic spell."
Flexible Formulaic Magic (p. 78): Under Integration Effects, change the second sentence of the first paragraph to read as follows: "A magus with Spell Mastery in Flexible Formulaic Magic is able to vary one parameter of a Formulaic spell (Range, Duration, Target, or size) as long as the final level of the spell is within one magnitude for every full five points of the magus’ Mastery Score. Otherwise, it works in the same way as Flexible Formulaic Magic."
Change the end of the second paragraph to read as follows: "by making the magnitude difference two instead of one".
Initiation into the Vision Form (p. 63): As Transformation Prone is a Major Flaw (p. 57), gaining it is a Major Ordeal. Change the Script Bonus to +17, and substitute "+9 Major Ordeal" for "+3 Minor Ordeal" in the description.
Curse for the Unjust Justice (p. 67): In the example, change "specific prohibition" to "sweeping prohibition".
Conall the Gruagach (p. 75): Delete the second "Borrow the Nose of the Hound".
Hermetic Virtues and Flaws for Learned Magicians (p. 83): Delete Free Study and Unimaginative Learner.
Amulet and Charta Design (p. 86): Replace the line for Charta Total with "Charta Total: Lab Total/2". In the sentence split by the Ranges, Durations, and Targets box, replace "Lab Total" with "Charta Total".
Amulet and Charta Effects (p. 87): Change the last paragraph to read: "An amulet or charta cannot produce effects that require Concentration or are activated by environmental triggers. Magical device effects, such as those listed in ArM5, page 99, other than Penetration, are inappropriate for amulets and chartae; however, chartae and amulets may utilize form and material bonuses."
Succuro Magicam Guidelines (p. 92): Add the following sentences to the first paragraph: "No magical effects resulting from a granted Virtue last longer than the duration of the charm, amulet, or charta. The mundane results of using the granted Virtue do remain, however. For example, if the granted Virtue allows the creation of enchanted items, those items lose their enchantment when the charm granting the Virtue expires."
Succuro Salutem Guidelines (p. 94): Delete the final sentence ("If the target is an individual, smaller plant, then reduce the final level by three magnitudes.") from the second Level 1 guideline.
Amulet for an Ample Harvest (p. 94): Add "Minimum Lab Total 26" before the calculation of the effect level.
Amulet of Longevity (p. 94): Change level to 5 (the calculation is correct); add "Minimum Lab Total 21" before the calculation of the effect level.
Sowilo Guidelines (p. 136): Change the Level 15 guideline to Level 25.
Ihwaz Guidelines (p. 138): Delete "inventing a rune script" from the examples in the first General guideline.
I, Eirik Svensson, strengthen the sword of my ancestors (p. 141): The casting total should be +24.
Realms of Power: Faerie
Table of Contents (p. 3-6): Add 2 to all page numbers. Oops.
What Do Size Scores Represent (p. 49): The first Size entry should be –11, not –1.
Lesser Power (p. 54): Add the following sentence as the second sentence of the description: "Taking this Virtue gives the character 25 spell levels to spend on these powers, and this Virtue may be selected repeatedly, to allow effects of higher level."
An Exemplary Catalog of Faerie Powers (p. 55): The first paragraph of the third column belongs in the description of the Improved Powers Virtue, on page 56.
Grant (Minor Virtue) and Grant (Minor Flaw) (p. 57): Reduce the level cost from 50 to 25 in both cases.
Creativity (p. 65): Add the following sentence at the end of the first paragraph. "All necessary rolls are made using whichever Ability is appropriate for the form of creativity being employed, such as Music or some variety of Craft."
Gorgon (p. 70): The Wound Penalties line should read: -1 (1-4), -3 (5-8), -5 (9-12), Incapacitated (13-16), Dead (17+).
Mormo (p. 70): The Wound Penalties line should read: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+).
Increasing Sympathy Traits (p. 102-3): At the end of the paragraph about negative traits on page 103 add the sentence "It is possible to increase a negative trait to 0, and then start increasing it to 1."
Faerie Upbringing (p. 115): This is a Personality Flaw, not a General Flaw. (It has no negative mechanical effect.) This is correct in ArM5.
Faerie Doctors as Mythic Companions (p. 117–118): Replace "Transvestite" with "Gender Nonconforming" on page 118.
Enchantment Rite (p. 124): In the final stage of the example, the addition is wrong. The knight has a total of 18, for success on the roll and a bonus of +3 on the following round.
The Reflecting Pool (p. 127): Replace "Sympathy" by "Symbol" in both the RDT description at the top, and the level calculation at the bottom.
Tales of Mythic Europe
Faerie Speech (p. 6): Replace the text with the following. "Faerie Speech allows faeries to converse in the language of their audience. They can speak any language that someone has used to speak to them, and this effect does not need to Penetrate because it only affects the faerie."
The Champion's Portion (p. 30): Replace "Aura of Ennobled Presence (ArM, page 145)" with "Aura of Rightful Authority (ArM5, page 151)".
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (p. 54): Replace "Fast Casting" with "Multiple Casting" in the list of mastery abilities.
Carnivorous House (p. 55): Change the level to 40, and add "+1 Touch" to the calculation.
Carved Assassin (p. 55): Change the level to 25, and the breakdown to (Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun).
Enemies All Aquiver (p. 55): The level should be 10, not 15.
Magi of Hermes
Alexander of Jerbiton (p. 6): Delete "Gentle Gift" and "Waster of Vis". Magi are only allowed one Major Hermetic Virtue; deleting the Flaw rebalances the character.
Asp (p. 10): Delete "Powers" above "Venomous Bite", add an asterisk before "Venomous Bite", and remove the point cost and Init value.
Bat (p. 10): Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", and remove the point cost and Init value.
Camel (p. 10-11): Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", and remove the point costs and Init values.
Crocodile (p. 11): Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", changing "Death Roll" to "Roll Attack", and deleting the point cost.
Aurulentus at Gauntlet (p. 16)
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch is actually called The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (ArM5 p.129), and it should be +25.
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body should be +25.
Purification of the Festering Body is actually called Purification of the Festering Wounds (ArM5 p.129).
Cheating the Reaper should be +25.
Aurulentus +15 years (p. 16)
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch is actually called The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (ArM5 p.129), and it should be +34.
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body should be +34.
Purification of the Festering Body is actually called Purification of the Festering Wounds (ArM5 p.129).
Widening the River Styx should be +34.
Cheating the Reaper has disappeared, and it should be +34.
Pose Clotho's Question should be +36.
Pose Nona's Question should be +36.
Aurulentus +30 years (p. 17)
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch is actually called The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (ArM5 p.129), and it should be +37.
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body should be +37.
Purification of the Festering Body is actually called Purification of the Festering Wounds (ArM5 p.129).
Widening the River Styx should be +37.
Cheating the Reaper has disappeared, and it should be +37.
Pose Clotho's Question should be +37.
Pose Nona's Question should be +37.
Verifying the Presence of Artemis' Blessing should be +37.
Phantasmal Troupe should be +27.
Aurulentus +45 years (p. 19)
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch is actually called The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (ArM5 p.129), and it should be +45.
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body should be +45.
Purification of the Festering Body is actually called Purification of the Festering Wounds (ArM5 p.129).
Widening the River Styx should be +45.
Severed Limb Made Whole is actually called The Severed Limb Made Whole (ArM5 p.129), and it should be +45.
Cheating the Reaper has disappeared, and it should be +45.
Incantation of the Body Made Whole should be +45.
Pose Clotho's Question should be +41.
Pose Nona's Question should be +41.
Verifying the Presence of Artemis' Blessing should be +41.
Seven Leagues Stride is actually called Seven-League Stride (ArM5 p.135).
Bountiful Feast is actually called The Bountiful Feast (ArM5 p.135), and it should be +39.
Pose the Silent Question is actually called Posing the Silent Question (ArM5 p.149).
Aurulentus +60 years (p.19)
Chirurgeon's Healing Touch is actually called The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch (ArM5 p.129), and it should be +47.
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body should be +47.
Purification of the Festering Body is actually called Purification of the Festering Wounds (ArM5 p.129).
Widening the River Styx should be +47.
Severed Limb Made Whole is actually called The Severed Limb Made Whole (ArM5 p.129), and it should be +47.
Cheating the Reaper has disappeared, and it should be +47.
Incantation of the Body Made Whole should be +47.
Bestow the Blessing of Apollon should be +47.
Incantation of the Warriors Made Whole should be +47.
Blessing of Artemis' Fertility should be +68.
Pose Clotho's Question should be +46.
Pose Nona's Question should be +46.
Verifying the Presence of Artemis' Blessing should be +46.
Seven Leagues Stride is actually called Seven-League Stride (ArM5 p.135).
Bountiful Feast is actually called The Bountiful Feast (ArM5 p.135), and it should be +40.
Ears of a Grateful Father should be +22.
Pose the Silent Question is actually called Posing the Silent Question (ArM5 p.149).
It's Raining Men (p. 22): Add "of ten men or fewer" after "any military formation" in the second sentence, and delete the following two sentences of the description. (A Group must be clearly distinct, and people within a military formation are pretty much a paradigmatic example of a group of people who do not count as a Group target.)
Gwidion (pp 33-8): Add one to his actual age at every stage. Remove "Well Traveled" from his Virtues, and replace it with "Arcane Lore".
Circle of Undisturbed Rest (p. 30): Change the Arts to PeIm, with a Rego requisite, change the level to 25, and change the calculation to (Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Ring, +1 Rego (species are destroyed at the Ring rather than the source), +1 changing image).
Mold the Earth Within Sight (p. 40): Change the level to 25, and in the analysis change "+2 stone" to "+1 stone".
Conjured Daylight (p. 42): Change T: Structure to T: Group. Change the calculation from +3 Size to +2 Group, +1 size.
Attunements (p. 44): Change to "+21 Protection from Storms".
Hugh +30 years (p. 48):
The Wizard's Parry should be +35 F.
Hugh +45 years (p. 49):
Dust to Dust should be +17 S.
Halt the Piercing Shafts should be +34.
Breaking the Captain's Baton should be +12 S.
The Wizard's Parry (p. 50): Change the description and level calculation as follows.
R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
The caster deflects one blow from a melee weapon of which he is aware. The weapon is kept entirely away from his body, and so he is completely unaffected by it. Hugh designed this for use while wielding weapons and armour, and so designed it to need no gestures. There is no penalty to cast this spell with no gestures, although words are necessary as normal, and to secure a useful Voice range. Hugh has mastered this spell, and uses it as a fast-cast defense.
(Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 no gestures)
Dressing the Human Form in Wool (p. 57): Drop the level to 5, and the Duration to Momentary. Adjust the level calculation at the end as appropriate.
Familial Secrets (p. 60): Increase the level to 35 and the Range to Touch (this does not only affect the caster). Assume that Lambert had assistance in the laboratory to enable him to invent it in two seasons.
Family Gathering (p. 61): Increase the level to 45 and the Range to Touch (this does not only affect the caster). Assume that Lambert had assistance in the laboratory to enable him to invent it in four seasons.
Convenient Warehouse (p. 69): Change the Range to Touch and the level to MuHe 34, and in the calculation note "+2 excessive size change".
Charm Versus Dampness (p. 69): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 14.
Captured by Hodr's Shackles (p. 75): Change to R: Sight, D: Momentary, T: Part, and change the level calculation to (Base 3, +3 Sight, +1 Part, +1 size). The level is correct.
Sight of the Wounded Prey (p. 76): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 14.
Talisman: Paregro Mare (p. 78): Change the second sentence to "The ship still has the oars of a longship, but it is not designed to use them. It foregoes the shallow draft in favor of a lower deck, like the Buss." (The attunement Affect Currents is based on oars, so the ship needs to have them.)
Helios's Companionship (p. 78): Change to R: Touch and T: Group. Increase the level to 29.
Marcus +15 years (p. 80):
Decay Fur and Hide should be +19.
Bushy Tail of the Branch-Dancer should be +31 F.
Sure-Footedness of the Crag-Leaper should be +31 F.
Webbed Toes of the Pond-Dweller should be +31 F.
Marcus +30 years (p. 80):
Strength Extinguished should be +40 F.
Strength Renewed should be +40 F.
Bushy Tail of the Branch-Dancer should be +36 F.
Slime of the Muck-Dweller should be +36 F.
Sure-Footedness of the Crag-Leaper should be +36 F.
Webbed Toes of the Pond-Dweller should be +36 F.
Spirit of the Bull of Minos should be +40 F.
Marcus +45 years (p. 81):
The Wizard's Mount should be +34 A.
Bushy Tail of the Branch-Dancer should be +45 FA.
Eyes of the Cat should be +45 FA.
Slime of the Muck-Dweller should be +45 FA.
Sure-Footedness of the Crag-Leaper should be +45 FA.
Webbed Toes of the Pond-Dweller should be +45 FA.
Arm of the Infant should be +42 F.
Spirit of the Bull of Minos should be +49 FA.
Gift of the Minotaur should be +45 FA.
The Griffon Reborn is in the wrong location, having been placed among the MuCo spells instead of the MuAn spells. Also, it should be +53 FA.
Petalichus of Verditus (p. 96): Change "Verditus" to "Verditius" in the chapter header, and "Veriditus" to "Verditius" in the first line of the first paragraph.
Petalichus +30 years (p. 98): (Rote) Unseen Arm should be +28.
Petalichus +45 years (p. 99):
Unmake This Cloth should be +31*.
Bind Fast should be +36*.
A Day's Worth of Spinning should be +35*.
A Day's Worth of Weaving should be +35*.
The Even Hand of the Determined Weaver should be +35*.
The Treacherous Cloak should be +36*.
The Weaver's Subtle Art should be +35*.
Arachne's Tuition (p. 101): Change to T: Touch (it is not practical to maintain eye contact while performing a task), increase the base to 10, and delete "+1 control fine movements". Change the level to ReCo 25.
The Patient Spell (p. 113): Change the second sentence to "The target spell can be no higher than the level+15 of The Patient Spell.".
Eyes of the Acolyte (p. 114): Change to R:Touch, T: Room. Increase the level to 19.
Laboratory that has Learned from Experience (p. 114): Change to R: Special. Add "Special (based on Touch) +2" to the calculation. Increase the level to 33.
Facade of Pentecost (p. 114):Change to R: Special. Add "Special (based on Touch) +2" to the calculation. Increase the level to 51.
Image of the Lady (p. 124): Change the Target to Individual.
Living Fire (p. 125): Increase the level to 25. Change the calculation to (Base 3, +2 Voice, +3 Fire, +1 moving images).
Servant of Fire (p. 125): Increase the level to 45. Change the calculation to (Base 10, +2 Voice, +3 Fire, +1 Mentem requisite, +1 moving parts).
Bag Without Bottom (p. 126): Change to T: Ind. Reduce the level to 20. Replace "Pen +9" with "Pen +0".
Sting of the Viper (p. 135): Delete the reference to the bonus from creating the Poniard of Deliverance.
Lords of Men
The Gratitude System (p. 7): Remove the reference to Lord of the Manor immediately above the "0 Gratitude" header. It isn't a separate Virtue from Landed Noble.
Advancement Requirements Table (p. 8): In the first line of explanatory text at the bottom, replace "Lord of the Manor" with "Landed Noble".
Gyrfalcon (p. 59): Change Com to –2.
Stables [Table] (p. 60): Move all the numbers in the "Excellent (Great Noble)" line one space to the right.
Assarting (p. 84): The insert entitled "Story Seed: Swift Assarting" was laid out over several paragraphs of text. They should read as follows:
Hermetic scholars know that the weather in Mythic Europe is notably drier in the 13th Century than it was in preceding years. This has made farmable a great deal of land that was previously marginal. Coupled with the population boom being experienced in Europe, one of the simplest ways of expanding a fief is assarting: carving new cropland or meadow from fertile wasteland. This process has been occurring for much of the last century, so marginal land is becoming increasingly scarce.
A single strong laborer with proper tools clears one acre of lightly wooded land per month, if he does no other work. This means that villeins who are assarting land work much slower than an acre a month, because their other duties take precedence. Many lords use only local labor, or hire a small team of famuli who assist with the clearing and then are kept on to work the lord's increased demesne, so that assarting is a gradual but continual process that takes years to have a marked effect.
There are many ways of assarting land magically. Changing the topography or soil type to allow large field farming where it was previously impossible, altering water flows for irrigation, and removing trees or reducing them to ash are all simple and popular strategies.
A covenant that secretly clears itself land using magic alarms nearby lords. The sudden appearance of cropland in an area that was previously waste indicates to neighboring nobles that the new lord of has hired an enormous workforce. This, it is assumed, will cause predictable problems when it is dispersed.
Taking land by conquest is rare, among the lower nobility, in most of feudal Europe, because it requires political skill and perfect timing. Conquered land must be taken from someone, and the lord of the dispossessed noble appears weak if he does nothing. In some cases, he will do as little as demand a fine and fealty from the invader, but this is seen as a pathetic response by his other vassals who, sensing their lack of security, form coalitions of mutual support that are often provoked into open war. All nobles know this, so unless a lord is beset by more important issues, conquest is rarely able to succeed in the extended term.
Seal the Breach (p. 116): Increase the level to 20. Add "Ritual minimum level 20" to the end of the calculation information.
Mounted Movement Rates (p. 127): The first three columns of numbers have the wrong headers. "Horse's Quickness" should be the heading for all the numerical columns. The leftmost column, currently headed "Horse's Quickness", should be headed "-3 or less", the second, currently headed "-3 or less", should be headed "-2 to -1", and the third, currently headed "-2 to 0" should be headed "0". The columns to the right of this are correct.
Effects of Mounted Movement (p. 127): The Walk/Amble or Trot and Gallop columns are misaligned. They should look like this:
Gait | Penalty to Missile Attacks | Falling Damage | Extended Action Ease Factor | Defensive Bonus (Optional) |
Walk/Amble or Trot | -1 | (Horse's Size +2)* + stress die | 6 | +1 |
Gallop | -6 | (Horse's Size +6)* + stress die | 12 | +6 |
Example Maneuvers Table (p. 133): The entries in the "Disarm" line are out of order. They should be "Any Attack"; "Defense or Evasion"; "9".
Melee Weapons Table (p. 137): The Cudgel (under Great Weapons) should have 2 Damage levels.
Melee Weapon Table (p. 137): The availability for the Staff (under Great Weapons) should be "All", not "Early".
Missile Weapon Descriptions (p. 139): Add a new sub-heading "Melee Weapon Descriptions" immediately before the Falchion.
Melee Weapon Descriptions (p. 139): Replace the description of the Bastard Sword as follows: Sword, Bastard: A large, late-medieval sword suitable for one-handed or two-handed use. If used two-handed, treat it as a great sword. If used one handed, its Str and Load remain at +1 and 2, respectively, but all its other statistics are those of a long sword.
Armor Materials (p. 139-141): Add the following sentence to the end of the Plate armor paragraph: "The complex armor design rules do not cover 15th century full plate."
Rival Magic
An Amazon Sorcerer (p. 16): Replace the last sentence with "A male Amazonian sorcerer should take the Flaw Dark Secret."
Prolonged Apprenticeship (p. 19-20): Replace "eight years" with "15 years" on page 20.
Ranges and Durations List (p. 23): Replace "+5 levels" with "+1 magnitude".
Changing Range, Duration, and Target (p. 24): In the first paragraph replace each "add 5 to the level" with "add 1 to the magnitude".
Resisting Spells (p. 26): In the Resistance Roll formula, the Ease Factor should be 6 + magnitude of spell + caster's Amazonian Chant score (replace the 3 with a 6).
Magical Defenses (p. 31): Under Soma, replace the reference to "Shield of Magic" with a reference to "Magical Fortitude".
Rob Them of Goitosyros' Gift (p. 33): Change the level to 5, and reduce the Size modifier to +1 in the calculation.
The Hut Made Safe (p. 34): Change the level to 30, to match the calculation.
Clipping the Sacrifice's Wings (p. 36): Change the level to 10, and the calculation to "(Base 10)".
Augustans (p. 47-74): All references to "Strong Parens" should be to "Skilled Parens".
The Story of Ludowicus (p. 48): In the middle of the third column on the page, the reference to Mt Etna should be to Mt Vesuvius.
Virgilian Animations (p. 69-73): Note that some of Virgil's Animations in the Virgilian Magic Landscape section p.69-73 break the (Ease Factor may not exceed Magic Might times two) limit: that is because they were designed by Virgil himself, and are magical devices fabled for their potency in Mythic Europe. Theoretically, extending the limit to three times Might would be a probably be a Minor Breakthrough, a limit of ten times Magic Might a Major Breakthrough, and bring one closer to Virgil's own power. The Augustan Brotherhood's magic is possibly a pale reflection of Virgil's magical skill.
Pentagram against Swords (p.60): Ease Factor should be 24, as the Base is 12 not 15 as given.
"And snatched his gleaming sword from the sheath"(p.60): Ease Factor should be 27, as the Base is 12 not 15 as given.
"Trojan walls, famous in war!" (p.60): Ease Factor should be 30, as the Base is 12 not 15 as given.
Gullveig the Wicked (p. 78): In Common Virtues and Flaws, replace "Transvestite" with "Gender Nonconforming".
Supernatural Abilities by Jotun Patron (p. 82): The content of this insert got mangled in development. Replace it with the following:
Aegir: Sjonhverfing, Storm's Eye, Threads of Fate, and Dowsing; plus EITHER Wildfire and Winter's Breath (from Gymir) OR Hex and Summon Animals (from Gullveig).
Gullveig: Entrancement, Hex, Summon Animals, and Magic Sensitivity; plus EITHER Valgaldrar and Spadomur (from Leiken) OR Shapeshifter and Winter's Breath (from Nidhogg & Fenrir).
Gymir: Storm's Eye, Winter's Breath, Wildfire, and Wilderness Sense; plus EITHER Shapeshifter and Sjonhverfing (from Surtur) OR Sjonhverfing and Threads of Fate (from Aegir).
Leikin: Hex, Spadomur, Valgaldrar, and Second Sight; plus EITHER Entrancement and Summon Animals (from Gullveig) OR Entrancement and Threads of Fate (from Urdur).
Nidhogg & Fenrir: Summon Animals, Shapeshifter, Winter's Breath, and Animal Ken; plus EITHER Storm's Eye and Wildfire (from Gymir) OR Sjonhverfing and Wildfire (from Surtur).
Surtur: Shapeshifter, Sjonhverfing, Wildfire, and Lesser Craft Magic; plus EITHER Storm's Eye and Winter's Breath (from Gymir) OR Summon Animals and Winter's Breath (from Nidhogg & Fenrir).
Urdur: Entrancement, Spadomur, Threads of Fate, and Premonitions; plus EITHER Hex and Summon Animals (from Gullveig) OR Sjonverfing and Storm's Eye (from Aegir).
Voluspa (p. 98): The formula line should read "(Base 9, +18 Lifetime, +6 lengthy explanation)", and the final Ease Factor should be 33.
Storm's Eye Utiseta Effects (p. 99): Both effects should have "+6 Sight", not "+9 Sight". The Ease Factor for Theft of Thor's Thunder should be 21, and that for Beating of Hraesvelg's Wings should be 30.
Calamitous Fortune (p. 102): Change the first sentence to read "The caster curses the target with Fortune's Warp."
Soqotran Giant Gecko (p. 117): Delete the first "Gecko Skin" power. The second is a replacement description, and the first was accidentally not deleted.
Continuance of Good Fortune (p. 128): Change the RDT line to "R: Touch, D: Censer, T: Individual".
Control Wind (p. 132): Change the level to 30 and the calculation to Olibanum Magic 30 (Base 21, +9 Sight, +3 Censer) / CrAu 50 (Base 35, +15 Sight, +5 Censer).
The Sundered Eagle
Sympathy Traits of the Olympians (p. 127): Under Athene, move "Direct" from the end of the first line to the beginning of the second, so that her negative sympathy trait is "Direct Action".
An Enemy Within (p. 140): At the top of the third column, replace "Moreto has informed..." with "Other Infernalists have informed...".
Infernal Tradition: Stringla (p. 141): Add Phantasm to the list of Favored Abilities.
Legends of Hermes
Hermanus of Tremere (p. 10): In the first paragraph of text, replace the description of the Vexillation of the Adamant Rook as "a company of magical troops" with "a group of enchanters".
Maintain the Caster's Spell (p. 65): Add the following sentence at the end of the description. "This effect was invested in Fortunata's Talisman, and takes advantage of a Talisman's closer connection to the maga who created it. It cannot be used by any other magus, although laboratory investigation does reveal its existence and nature."
Fax, a Firebrand Spirit (p. 66): Delete the spurious wound penalties after "Powers:". The powers are described in the box on page 67.
Varina's Tomb (p. 79-80): The regio boundaries on the map are wrong. Follow the descriptions in the text instead.
Sense the Airy Trespass (p. 113): Replace the level with InVi 50, and the base level in the calculation with 5. The effect actually detects creatures with a Might of 31 or lower.
The text box on the top of page 117 is a copy of the box on page 112. It should read:
[*]The laboratory should be challenging for characters to break into but not impossible. The storyguide should pay some attention to what would be exceedingly simple or annoyingly frustrating for the players and try to steer a course between them.
If the players have little patience or less powerful characters, then Ferox and Fidelius may be less active or there may be clues to the nature of the defenses in Amarantha's notes. If the party is especially powerful then the storyguide may choose to include more than two elemental spirits and the spirits may have significantly greater Might.
[*]Water is held outside of the laboratory complex by the circular ward on the outside ring of the complex. It should be apparent to most players, and characters, that disturbing the rings on the walls in the outer rooms could well flood the complex (at least the outer rooms).
[*]If Ferox and Fidelius are able to enter the laboratory of Hermanus proper (room 7), they realize that both the Butterfly's Gaze and the Tapestry of Confident Possession can be triggered by them at will. The spirits make use of these devices to trigger any justiciar that they think will help in their defense of the laboratory complex. The spirits are also aware of how to use the Helm of Unraveling and will impart this information to any non-magus who they believe has come under the influence of the Cross of Preempted Conflict.
The Cradle and the Crescent
The Pillars of Islam (p. 12): Hajj is pronounced HADJ, not HAWZH.
The Caliphates (p. 17): The singular is Shi'i or Shi'ite, the plural is Shi'is or Shi'ites.
Other Summoning Arts (p. 31): In the second sentence of the introductory paragraph, replace the opening with "They are listed in order of rarity in the Middle East, from least to most". (Spirit) Summoning is the least rare, and thus most common.
Servant Spirits (p. 41): The feminine form of "khadim" is "khadima", not "khadimma".
Ghula, Faerie (p. 72): Add "(Corpus)" after "Faerie Might: 20".
Ghul, Infernal (p. 73): Change to "Infernal Might: Usually not more than 20 (Corpus)".
Ghul, Infernal (p. 72): The plural of "ghul" is "ghuls" or "ghilan".
New and Modified Flaws (p. 80): Change the introductory sentence to read "These Flaws are designed for Faerie jinn characters." It is Atlas policy to preserve the privacy of all contributors, and not comment in print on whether they may or may not be Faerie jinn.
New Virtue: Magian Lineage (p. 92): Revise the Major version of the Virtue as follows: "In addition to the benefits of the Minor Virtue, your character has an affinity with the ancient prophetic and other mystical arts of your ancestors. The player must choose three Arcane or Supernatural Abilities which the character need not start play with, and which cannot be True Names. These Abilities are considered connected, so that whenever your character gains experience from a source dedicated to one of these Abilities, they gain half the Source Quality (round up) in experience points in each of the other two Abilities. A character must have access to a Supernatural Ability in one of the normal ways, such as taking the Virtue at character creation or Initiating it later, in order to put any experience points into it. If you choose a Supernatural Ability that your character does not yet have, any experience points generated for it by this Virtue before the character gains access to the Ability are lost."
New Wonders Guidelines (p. 97): Delete the "Resurrect a dead human" guideline in its entirety.
Mobed Initiations (p. 100): Add the following sentences at the beginning of the first paragraph. "The following Initiations are mainly used by Gifted mobeds, and Initiate the version of the Virtue associated with the Magic realm. Similar Initiations exist for mobeds with True Faith, to Initiate the Divine versions of the Virtues."
The Empty Quarter (p. 109): "The Empty One" is "al-Khali", not "al-Khalil." Al-Khalil is a title of Abraham ("the Friend" (of God)).
Ighraq al-Siq (p. 130): Add "(Aquam)" after "Magic Might: 40".
Sample Muslim Isms (p. 186): Replace "Sample Muslim Isms" with "Sample Arabic Isms".
Hermetic Projects
The Heart that Could Move Stone (p. 18): Reduce the level to 20, and remove "+1 stone" from the calculation. The Required Lab Totals change as follows: One Season (40), Two Seasons (30), Three Seasons (27), Four Seasons (25)
Fill the Well (p. 23): Change the level to 44, the Base to 20, and the required Lab Totals as follows: One Season (88), Two Seasons (66), Three Seasons (59), Four Seasons (55). Delete the first sentence of the final paragraph, beginning "This effect is based on the Rego Corpus guidelines...".
Sense the Hearts of Fire (p. 25): Change the Duration to Concentration, and increase the Base level to 5. Edit the end of the first sentence to read "Ignem Form Might (of any supernatural Realm).
The Endless Well (p. 45): Change the level to 50, the Base to 25, and the required Lab Totals as follows: 1 Season (100), 2 Seasons (75), 3 Seasons (67), 4 Seasons (63). Delete the whole of the final paragraph, discussing the derivation of the effect level.
Conjuration of the Seaworthy Cog (p. 65): Change the Target to Individual. Delete "Structure +3" from the level calculation, and add "+3 size". The level is unchanged.
Shape of the Coastal Buss (p. 68): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size".
Magical Ballast (p. 68-9): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size".The level remains unchanged.
The Ship's Hearth (p. 71): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 24. Replace the Required Lab Totals with "1 season (48), 2 seasons (36), 3 seasons (32), 4 seasons (30)".
Poseidon's Chariot (p. 72): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size". The level remains unchanged.
The Mermaid's Kiss (p. 72): Change to R: Touch. Increase the level to 48. Replace the Required Lab Totals with "1 season (96), 2 seasons (72), 3 seasons (64), 4 seasons (60)".
Catching the Tidal Winds (p. 72): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size". The level remains unchanged.
The Sky is My Ocean (p. 73): Replace "T: Structure" with "T: Individual". In the level calculation, replace "+3 Structure" with "+3 size". The level remains unchanged.
Miniaturist of Venice (p. 89): Delete the last paragraph of the spell description. Reduce the level to MuTe 40, and. in the calculation, change to "+1 increased shrinking effect". Replace the Required Lab Total with "One Season (80), Two Seasons (60), Three Seasons (54), Four Seasons (50)".
Level 20 Lab Totals (p. 80): Replace "Three Seasons (28)" with "Three Seasons (27)".
Break the Siege (p. 81): Change the description of the effect to "less than the level of this spell + 2 magnitudes". The correct guideline does not include a division.
Fourth-Magnitude Effects (p. 86): For each spell, replace "Three Seasons (28) with "Three Seasons (27)".
The Prodigal Returns (p. 90): Drop the level to ReTe 15, and remove "+2 metal" from the level calculation. Required Lab Totals become "One Season (30), Two Seasons (23), Three Seasons (20), Four Seasons (19)".
Charged Items: The Necromancer's Blades (p. 100-1): On page 101, remove the final two sentences of the paragraph about the duration of Passing the Reins of Corpus.
The Anointing of the King (p. 101): Change the statistics for this effect as follows:
MuVi 49
Pen: +30, 2/day
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
(Base effect 25 (to affect a level 30 Corpus effect), +1 Touch; +1 2 uses/day, +3 linked trigger, +15 Penetration 30)
Required Lab Total: 1 season (96), 2 seasons (72), 3 seasons (64), 4 seasons (60)
Grant Control to the Ghost (p. 103): Change the statistics for this effect as follows:
MuVi 59
Pen: +30, 1/day
R: Touch, D: Mom, T: Ind
(Base effect 25 (to affect a level 30 Corpus effect), +1 Touch; +3 linked trigger, +26 Penetration 52)
Required Lab Total: 1 season (118), 2 seasons (89), 3 seasons (79), 4 seasons (74)
Created Corpse (p. 115): Delete the Fatigue Levels. The animated dead have no fatigue.
Animated Custos (p. 115): Delete the Fatigue Levels.
A Walking Colossus (p. 116): Delete the Fatigue Levels.
Conjure the Colossus (p. 117): Change the level to 20, and add "minimum level 20 for a Ritual" to the level calculation. Change the Required Lab Total to 1 season (40), 2 seasons (30), 3 seasons (27), 4 seasons (25)
Integrating Covenants (p. 123): The second box of the insert just repeats the text of the first. Replace its contents with the following text:
needed to manage a menagerie, but the players will still need to spend covenant build points on specialists (see Staffing later). Several of the other Residents choices include magical beasts as steeds (Magical Soldiers) or magical animals (Inhuman Residents). Prestige (Minor External Relations Boon) could be a consequence of a magical menagerie at covenant start-up, or a Boon that crops up once the menagerie is established. A covenant with Hermetic Services (Major External Relations Hook) could be bound to provide magical animals to other magi as familiars or vis sources, meaning that maintaining the menagerie is of primary importance. Mystical Allies (Major Surroundings Boon) could provide a source of livestock if the allies are magical animals. Harvesting the herd might, however, affect the ally relationship. A Chase (Minor Surroundings Boon) is a mundane breeding farm that could serve as a prototype for a magical stud farm, or if combined with another Boon or Hook that allows an aura in the chase, be the actual magical menagerie.
If you are detailing the wealth and poverty of your covenant, pages 56–71, you will need to specify the expenditure cost of the menagerie's animals and handlers. Regular staff cost the same number of expenditure points as Other Covenfolk on the Points of Inhabitants table (page 63), and the overseer specialists count as Specialists. To determine the inhabitants points of each animal, compare it to a horse (1 point). The typical covenant horse is Size +3. For each Size smaller than +3, double the number of animals that cost 1 point. Two Size +2 animals, four Size +1 animals, and eight Size 0 animals all cost 1 point. For larger animals, double the number of points for each Size increase. A Size +4 animal costs 2 points and a Size +5 animal costs 4 points. For carnivores, double the point cost. Keeping a pack of twelve wolves, for example, could cost 3 inhabitants points. A wolf is Size 0. Eight Size 0 herbivores cost 1 point, so four Size 0 carnivores cost 1 point. Four times three is twelve, costing 3 points.
A menagerie could also be used as a realia, a collection of magical examples of typically mundane things (creatures) used for study. Like books, whose author cannot study the book he writes, the collector cannot study the collection. To determine the Quality of the realia, count breeds instead of individual animals, so that a collection of 30 magical horses of 2 breeds counts as a tractatus of Quality 2. A menagerie realia usually provides study only in Magic Lore, however a collection of several different types of magical animals all connected to the same Form could allow study of that Form.
Child Virtues & Flaws (p. 11): Replace the first line with "Characters age 20 and younger".
New Flaws (p. 13): Frail should be a Minor Flaw, not a Major.
A Standard Apprenticeship (p. 16): Replace the last sentence of the first full paragraph, in the middle column, with "Added to 6 experience points gained from three seasons of Exposure, an apprentice gains 19 experience points a year for eleven years of the apprenticeship." Add a single sentence paragraph. "In the first year, the parens Opens the Arts, so the apprentice gains exposure experience in every season, for 8 experience points." In the next paragraph, replace the text from the third sentence onwards as follows: "Thus, each year the apprentice gains 40 experience points to spend on spells. As learning spells is a Laboratory Activity, the apprentice gains 2 experience points from exposure in every season, for a total of 8 over the year. At the end of the final three years, the apprentice has gained 120 spell levels and 24 experience points. The grand total of 15 years of apprenticeship using this model is 241 experience points and 120 spell levels." Delete the final paragraph.
Controlling Turbulences (p. 23): The Characteristic used for controlling Turbulences is Stamina. Replace "Intelligence" with "Stamina" in the first paragraph and the example in the middle of the second column.
Opening Arts with Supernatural Abilities (p. 35): In the third column, add the following sentence after the second sentence of the paragraph ("...must double the necessary level."). "Boring Supernatural Abilities need not be maintained." Alternatively, replace "exciting" in the second sentence with "existing".
Sight of the Lazy Parens (p. 40): Delete "or if the spell is cast by someone for whom the spell is not specifically designed". Powerful spells cast by the target do not cause immediate Warping.
Curse of the Baby's Bladder (p. 46): Change to ReCo 4, T: Ind, and delete "+1 Part" from the level calculation.
Life in the Laboratory (p. 54): Replace the last sentence of the first full paragraph in the final column on the page as follows: "If both parens and apprentice have Waster of Vis, for example, the laboratory activity costs twice the normal amount of vis."
Almogavar (p. 74): Change to a Minor Virtue. Also in the insert on page 75.
Domestic Animal (p. 74): Change to a Free Virtue.
The Craftsman, Suggested Virtues and Flaws (p. 107): Delete "Animal Companion" from both Apprentice and Journeyman Virtues and Flaws. Replace it with "Carefree".
Apprentice Virtues and Flaws (p. 107): Independent Craftsman should have two asterisks, as it does under Journeyman Virtues and Flaws.
Against the Dark: The Transylvanian Tribunal
Gyogy-to (p. 8): Add the following sentence to the end of the section. "This lake is next to Heviz (see page 36)."
Karvuna (p. 8): Change the section heading to "Sunken City".
Diverting the River (p. 31): Make this spell a Ritual, because it has a very large effect.
Sudden Well (p. 31): Change the level to PeTe 25, and change to +3 size in the calculation.
Village Life (p. 41): In the final sentence of the first column, "wisnets" should be "wisents".
Almogavar (p. 74): Change to a Minor Virtue. Also in the insert on page 75.
Diplomacy and Intrigue (p. 76): Replace "regions to the east of the Tribunal" with "regions to the west of the Tribunal". Oops.
The Bran Pass (p. 85): Change the first sentence so that it starts: "Running through the Southern Carpathians from Campulung to Kronstadt,".
The Hippocratic Staff (p. 98-9): Replace the last two sentences of the first paragraph with "It is enchanted with an effect that gives the character a +9 bonus to Recovery rolls." Rename "Wound Recovery Effect" to "Recovery Effect", and delete "Wound" from the description. Delete the Disease Recovery Effect and its description.
Tales of Power
Map (p. 92): In the inset map, note that north is to the right, and that the map is not to scale (the islands are shown larger than they are).
The Armorer's Art (p. 120): Change the Ease Factor to 15.
Transforming Mythic Europe
Binding the Mundane Codex (p. 103): Reduce the level to 7, remove the parenthetical comment about base individuals, and reduce the base to 1 and remove "+1 Size" from the calculation.
New Guidelines for Instant Transportation (p. 107): Increase the Rego Animal and Rego Herbam guidelines to level 10.
Bring the Herd to Market (p. 107): Increase the level to 45, and replace the Base 5 with Base 10.
The Instant Harvest (p. 107): Increase the level to 45, and replace the Base 4 with Base 10.
Woolen Steed of Araby (p. 111): Increase the level to 20, and change to "+2 for increased speed" in the calculation.
Vessel of the Clouds (p. 112): Change to "+2 for increased speed" in the calculation, and delete the Size modification. The base Individual for Herbam is quite big, and the boat described in the spell text is clearly within that. Further, delete the reference to +2 for metal in the discussion of ReTe (there is no modification for simple movement).
Alchemical Separation of Brine (p. 119): Change the numbers to 4,000 gallons of seawater, 135 gallons of salt, and 1130 pounds. This makes the numbers consistent with Art & Academe.
The Elfin Baker (p. 121): Change the Arts to ReHe(Aq),
Eyes of Danibus (p. 79): Change the level to 25. Make the same change in the spell list on page 78.
Faith and Flame
Feminine Sympathy (p. 29): Change the sentence beginning "All rolls…" to "All rolls using this Trait must use stress dice". That is, delete the reference to the rolls becoming faerie powers. Change the limit on increase to "(though it cannot exceed the character's Warping Score, +1 for the Minor Virtue and +3 for the Major)".
Mimizan (p. 64): In the final paragraph, replace the cross reference with "(see Chapter 3: Hermetic Culture, Cults & Factions of Provence)". Delete the phrase "including Feminine Ceremony" immediately after the cross reference.
Rebecca Ex Miscellenea and Sorgina (p. 65): Drop Feminine Ceremony from her Virtues, and from her Abilities. Increase her Shapeshifting score to 5.
Add the following paragraph on page 69, immediately after the description of Marie of Merinita.
Beatrice of Guernicus, (Presumed) Chief Quaesitor
A troubled woman, Beatrice is genuinely determined to do right, but with the crusade and all the deep hostility in the Tribunal, it is not clear any more what that is. Her pater was the previous Chief Quaesitor, Tibaut, and it is assumed that she will take over for him. She is young for Chief Quaesitor, since her predecessor died of old age just last year (as did his predecessor five years before, though he was even older than her pater), and would probably like to pass her authority to another member of her House if a better candidate appears. She is registered as part of the covenant of Castra Solis, but she has taken to spending all her time in the Arelat of late, possibly because of a falling out with the Primus of House Flambeau or the leaders of one of the Hermetic organizations based there.
Folk Witch Ceremony (p. 93): Cut this Virtue entirely.
Mythic Locations
Author Biographies (p.2): Add Mark Shirley's biography after Matt Ryan's. "Mark Shirley's job description changes every time he writes one of these biographies; but it's all the same really: research in diseases and wildlife conservation with the help of mathematical models. He has spent a lot of time on the Farne Islands; having conducted a puffin survey there he can confirm their magical ability to cause laughter. He's also visited the Majarida Mountains, but didn't see any wolves. He's never been to Purgatory... yet."
Between Sand and Sea
Settut Characters (pp. 95–96): At the top of page 96, replace "Transvestite" with "Gender Nonconforming".
A Note on Tuareg Males with Settut Powers (p. 105): Replace both references to "Transvestite" with "Gender Nonconforming".
Tuareg Settuten (p. 106): Replace "Transvestite" with "Gender Nonconforming".
Camel (p. 136): Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", and remove the point costs and Init values.
Waral Lizard (p. 140): Change Cun to +1. Change Com to -6. Change Soak to +8. Change Survival to 5.
Through the Aegis
Lexora of House Bjornaer (p. 43): Change Aegis of the Hearth to level 20. (Ritual spells cannot be lower than level 20.)
Calvacius of Tytalus, Destruet Extremum Preiudicium (p. 124): Change to "Demon's Eternal Oblivion 15 Spell Mastery".
Helveticus of Flambeau, Scourge of the Infernal (p. 157): Change to "Demon's Eternal Oblivion 15 Mastery Summa".
Amadeus of Bonisagus, Fortress of the Home (p. 157): Change to "Aegis of the Hearth 20 Mastery Tractatus".
Lands of the Nile
Dark Secrets? (p. 15): Replace "Transvestite" with "Gender Nonconforming".
Hippopotamus (p. 18): Add "Overrun" to Qualities. Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities" and delete (non-magical).
Crocodile (p. 19): Add "Roll Attack" to Qualities. Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", changing "Death Roll" to "Roll Attack", and deleting (non-magical).
Elephant (p. 20): Change Cun to +1, and Com to -5/-4*. Add Overrun and Trunk to Qualities (in alphabetical order), and rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities", deleting "(non-magical)" in each case.
Baboon (p. 22): Change Com to 0/+1*, and Pre to –2. Change Combat to: Bite Init +2, Attack +11, Defense +9, Damage –3, Evasion Init +2, Attack n/a, Defense +9, Damage n/a. Change Mundane Qualities to Aggressive, Ambush Predator, Crafty, Pack Animal/Pack Leader, Skilled Climber, Vocal. Change Abilities to Athletics 3 (climbing), Awareness 3 (food), Brawl 5 (bite), Hunt 4 (prey), Stealth 4 (stalking prey), Survival 3 (savannah).
Elephant-Eating Serpent (p. 23): Add Constriction and Swallow Whole to Qualities. Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities" and delete (non-magical).
The Seekers' Guild (p. 24): Change "Al-Majalibeen" to "Al-Matalibeen" in the title.
Scorpion Fish (p. 97): Add Swallow Whole to Qualities. Rename the "Powers" section to "New Qualities" and delete (non-magical).
Initiation Script for the Rank of Temple Priest (p. 100): Towards the end of the first paragraph, change to "and she will not necessarily become bedridden and die of old age at a Decrepitude of 5."
Dies Irae
The Soothing Balm of Telesphorus (p. 95): Delete "Disease" from "Disease Recovery rolls".