The Medieval Bestiary

Revised Edition

The Medieval Bestiary, Revised at a Glance

  • Learn more about the creatures that inhabit Mythic Europe with this thorough compendium of beasts.
  • Covers a variety of beasts from mundane animals to extraordinary magical creatures.
  • Statistics and story ideas help storytellers easily and seamlessly integrate these creatures into sagas.

All Creatures Great and Small: More about The Medieval Bestiary, Revised

The bestiary: one of the most popular books available in Europe in the thirteenth century. Historical bestiaries were as much moral works about how people should learn from Animalia as they were encyclopedias of animal life.

In Ars Magica, the magi of the Order of Hermes—and particularly the shapeshifting members of House Bjornaer—study creatures of all kinds, from great to small, legendary to mundane.

Learn more about the creatures of Mythic Europe from the point of view of the Hermetic Order with this Ars Magica 4th edition supplement. This volume contains profiles of familiar animals such as horses and cats alongside exotic creatures such as dragons and sirens.

Each creature is presented with commentary by Caprea of House Bjornaer. Statistics are presented where appropriate.

The Medieval Bestiary is out of print, with only PDF available. This supplement requires Ars Magica 4th edition to play.

The Medieval Bestiary, Revised: Contents

  • Introduction
  • Stories with Beasts
  • Beasts Tamed by Men
  • Beasts of the Earth
  • Birds of the Air
  • Fishes of the Sea
  • Those that Creep
  • Beasts of Legend
  • Appendix A: Creating New Characters
  • Appendix B: Statistics for Beasts
  • Bibliography
  • Index

Vital Stats

Authors: John Kasab and Damelon Kimbrough
MSRP: $19.95 (softcover, out of print), $14.95 (PDF)
Atlas Stock #: AG0266
Barcode: 1-887801-92-8
Format: 128 pages, 8.5” x 11”, perfect bound
Release Date: 2001